Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I Hear the Sound of Victory....

Maurette Brown-Clark sings a wonderful song entitled, "I Hear the Sound of Victory."  For many years Maurette has combined her incredible gift of singing and songwriting with her gift of encouragement to uplift and inspire God's people worldwide.

A few days ago, I awoke with the chorus of "I Hear the Sound of Victory" ringing in my head.  It sounded as clear as if it were coming from the radio, yet it was resonating from within me.

As I got up from bed and began moving around, I really began to focus in on the lyrics of the song:

I hear the sound of victory. 
I know that things are gonna change for me....
And because of His blood (I overcome)
I don't have to fight (it's already won!)

Those lyrics reminded me that sometimes, we forget that we are more than conquerors, we are overcomers through Christ Jesus!  We waste energy and time fighting battles that, first of all are not ours, and secondly, have already been won!

If we could just still our hearts, minds and bodies long enough we would be able to hear the sound of victory.  When we listen, we would hear the sound of victory in the laughter of children who run and play without a care in the world and squeal with delight over the simplest things in life.  We would realize that we are those children in God's sight and that we are to cast our cares on Him, for He cares for us.

If we could just stop allowing the negative comments from others to replay over and over in our minds we could hear the sound of victory.  We would understand that we are to ignore negative reports and instead believe the report of the Lord which says we are filled, healed, free and walking in victory.

If we could just quiet our own negative voices ringing in our heads and substitute them for God's voice expressed through scripture or through the melodies of modern-day psalmists like Maurette, we would hear the sound of victory.

As that song rang through my head, a smile came upon my lips as I began to realize how much God has really blessed me.  Sure, I have my share of challenges-- we all have our own load to bear in this life.  But I realized that I don't have to dwell on them and let the cares of this world dominate every moment of my day. 

Life is too short to spend it stressing over things that are just temporary hurdles on this side of glory.  For, "when we all get to Heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be.  When we all see Jesus, we'll sing and shout the victory."

The victory that is in store for us in glory is music to my ears.  And, I'm not going to wait until I get to Heaven to believe God for the victory.  I believe it now, so I need to live like I believe it now, regardless of my circumstances.  I hear the sound of victory, even when life's challenges get louder, more intense and much harder than I expected...

And the louder it gets (the louder I praise)
The more intense (the more I praise)
And the harder it gets (the harder I praise)
My victory is on the way...and it's in my praise!

Do you hear what I hear?  I hear the sound of VICTORY!


Rev. Karen

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