Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Holy? Wholly? Holey? Lord God Almighty!

Holy, Holy, Holy. 
Lord God Almighty. 
Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee. 
Holy, Holy, Holy.
Merciful and mighty. 
God in three persons, Blessed Trinity.

That song is one of my favorite hymns.  But, sometimes I wonder if some of us have the words a little mixed up or if we simply fail to grasp the full breadth of what the song is declaring.

I think we are all pretty clear about the fact that it refers to the holiness of God.  But, perhaps we haven't realized that not only does it declare that God is holy, but that God is "wholly" or entirely holy.  And, what does that "wholly" cover? The blessed Trinity. 

God is holy and God is wholly holy.  God is one being who exists in three persons--God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit--and ALL of God is holy.  Yet, some of us want to take God piecemeal or treat our relationship with God as if we are offered multiple choices. We sell ourselves and God short when we fail to see or embrace the fullness of the Godhead or hold one of the Trinity in lower regard than another.

Starting with Genesis, we see evidence of the Spirit or the Rhua of God present in creation:

And the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. (Genesis 1:2)

So, from the outset, in the opening verses of scripture, God has given us a glimpse of His fullness or wholeness.

God is wholly, holy.  But, Lord God almighty, some of us are just the opposite--we are wholly holey!

Some of us have allowed the challenges of this life to leave deep wholes all throughout our being.  Our minds, our hearts and our spirits are filled with gaping, aching holes that we often try to fill with everything else except the Blessed Trinity.

No one and nothing but God--in His entirety--will ever fill the holes in our lives.  Not even church work or attendance will do the job.  Some of us move in and out and all about the church and appear as if we are striving to get closer to God.  But, all the while we are actually dancing around and away from God.  We are only touching God at the surface and are too afraid to go deep.

Come on!  Take the plunge!  If you're already in deep with God, great!  Go deeper!  Take a deeper and closer examination of yourself and explore the holes in your heart and mind. Don't keep covering those holes with scar tissue.  Open those wounds to the Great Physician and let the healing begin!

God says, "be holy, for I am holy."  Not only is God wholly holy, God desires for us to also be wholly, holy.  We will never achieve that on our own.  That's why we must wholly receive the gift of Jesus Christ -- "What can wash away my sin, nothing but the blood of Jesus!"

Let us learn to truly love the Lord our God with all of our heart, mind, and strength.  For, once we stop half-stepping and serve God with our whole heart, we won't be burdened with the guilt and confusion of our hearts, minds and bodies being in disagreement about what we truly desire in life.

When we FULLY (i.e. wholly) yield to God, we will find the peace that passess understanding, and every fabric of our being will readily and lovingly declare in unison,

Holy, Holy, Holy....
There is none beside Thee. 
Perfect in power and love and purity.


Rev. Karen

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

It's Time for a Serious Glass Kicking!

You may be familiar with the notion of a "glass ceiling" -- that invisible, solid barrier which allows one to see upward, but never actually move upward.

Although the next level is clearly visible through the glass ceiling, it might as well be invisible because it cannot be attained.  The glass ceiling prevents access to anything above it, frustrating all those who are trapped below it. 

The notion of the glass ceiling has traditionally applied to the barriers women face in the workplace, however it can actually apply to anyone anytime there is a barrier between someone and his or her goals and dreams.

God's Word declares that we are "more than conquerors through Christ Jesus" and that we "can do all things through Christ who strengthens us."  Therefore, if what we see beyond the glass barrier is something God has promised and prepared for us to have, we've got to do more than just press our noses against the window and stare at what belongs to us.  We've got to go and claim what is rightfully ours.

"Greater is He that is in us than He that is in the world." 

There is no barrier that Satan, people, or life's circumstances could create that would ever be strong enough to withstand the presence, power, and promises of God.

The good thing is, we don't even have to rely on our own strength to break down those barriers to reach what God has for us--we just have to decide that we really want them destroyed once and for all. 

When we sincerely call on the one who is "able to keep us from falling" below the standard that has been set for us before we were even formed in the womb, God will answer.  And when God answers, we need to take all of our excuses, fears and doubts and get out of the way and let God get busy with some serious glass kicking!  Put on your hard hats and look out below, we're movin' on up!


Rev. Karen

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Ultimate Identity Thief

Identity theft is a major problem worldwide.  Advances in technology have helped us to reach out and touch one another -- but not always in a positive way.

People go to great lengths to protect their identity from crafty thieves who, in turn, go to great lengths to circumvent the systems designed to thwart them.

It's a never-ending battle of wits and will.  But, no matter what dastardly tricks the identity thieves have up their slippery sleeves, nothing they can do compares to the ultimate identity theft--the theft of our true identity in Jesus Christ.

"The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy..." (John 10:10a)  One of the most crafty ways he does this is by confusing us about who and whose we are.  Satan is famous for rewriting our life's story into something contrary to God's divine design.  He will tell us that we were born with a short temper, a bad attitude or wayward desires.  Even worse, he will tell us that these things are inescapable, unavoidable and represent the final word on who we are and what we are to become.

The enemy will even go so far as to have some of us believing that God made a mistake in designing our bodies or in designating our gender.  Based on half truths and whole lies, some of us submit to the surgeon's scalpel to "correct" God's "mistake." 

What happened? As the apostle Paul asked in Galatians 3:1, "who bewitched [us] that [we] should not obey the truth?" With our mouths we exclaim that Jesus is Lord of our lives--our Saviour and Lord.  But, with our actions we actually declare allegiance to the world.

Have we forgotten?  We were bought with a price--Jesus' shed blood on Calvary.  And, even though we were all born in sin and shaped in iniquity, we should not believe Satan's lies that claim we cannot be transformed by the renewing of our minds.  Furthermore, the rest of the scripture from John 10:10 says that Jesus has come that we "might have life, and that [we] may have it more abundantly."

Even if we have had challenging or tragic situations that detoured or deterred us away from God's loving and perfect will, we can always--yes, always--turn around.  We don't have to accept the false, distorted identity that either forces us to live a lie or call God a liar with regard to who we truly are.

Sooner or later we will come to realize that the feelings and voices inside us tormenting us about who we really are may not be coming from our "true" selves but from a cunning identity thief tempting us to echo the serpent's question to Eve in the garden of Eden, "did God say....?"

Remember, from the beginning the serpent was "more crafty" and knew how to get Adam and Eve to rebel against God, question God's directives, and forfeit their God-given identities. 

Our emotional and spiritual immaturity, pain, and loneliness are perfect tools for Satan to use in crafting the pseudo identities that we naively exchange for the ones God had in mind before the foundation of the world.

"...and they exchanged the truth of God for a lie...." (Romans 1:25)

If you realize that you have fallen for Satan's lie about who you "really" are, acknowledge it to God, repent and ask God to reveal to you the true and truly awesome plan He has for your life.  I have a pretty good feeling that God's plan does not involve any of us being angry, addicted, bitter, controlling, promiscuous, confused, misused or abused.

We will know when God's plan is in operation in our lives when our lives line up with God's Word--not against it.  We must remember that our lives have been crafted to be beautiful masterpieces that give God glory, something God would proudly out His signature on. 

Take a moment to check the authorization signature on your spiritual ID card.  If God's name and seal are not clearly all over it, you just might be an unsuspecting victim of the ultimate identity thief....


Rev. Karen

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Our church distributes the daily devotional, "The Word for You Today."  It is full of Godly wisdom and insight for everyday living and always features witty quotes or poems that really help illustrate scriptural truths.

The reading from September 15 of this year included the following poem:

There was a very cautious man who never laughed or played; he never risked, he never tried, he never sang or prayed.  AND when one day he passed away, his insurance was denied; for since he never really lived, they claimed he never died!

What this poor man thought was being cautious and safe actually reflected either fear or a lack of trust in God--which go hand in hand.  But, God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)

God has placed us each here for a reason and a season, not to just fearfully wait on the sidelines of life until we get to Heaven.  God has deposited songs, poems, dances, speeches, sermons, designs, innovations and scientific calculations in various individuals who are destined to be world-changers and ambassadors of Jesus Christ.

Our gifts and destinies are not given on an "either/or" basis -- either we use them now, or just wait until we are in glory.  We are to give God glory through the creativity He has placed in each one of us now AND when we are with God for eternity.

Julian Jackson, a young adult at my church really exemplifies this concept.  In fact, his Gospel rap group is called A.N.D. which stands for "Alive Not Dead."

Unlike the gentleman in the poem mentioned earlier, no insurance salesman will ever be able to accuse Julian of not living, because he is continually and boldly submitting himself AND his gifts to God in appreciation for the sacrificial gift of our risen Savior, Jesus Christ-- who is most certainly alive, not dead!

Julian has (at times narrowly) escaped becoming a statistic.  That is, he did not die a violent death at a young age, a statistic that still rings true for far too many young African-American males in America.

He is proud and thankful that he is Alive Not Dead and has Jesus Christ to thank for every day he has on this side of glory.

At 6pm Friday, October 28, A.N.D. will release their first CD at a special concert at our church, The Pennsylvania Avenue Baptist Church. 

If you have been dragging or slacking with regard to giving your all for Christ, come see A.N.D. in action and catch some of their energy!  Your presence will send a strong message of support to young men like Julian and his band members, AND, you will be blessed exceedingly, abundantly above all you could ask or imagine!


Rev. Karen