Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Let's Give Them Something to Talk About

There's an old country music song entitled, "Let's Give Them Something to Talk About."  From the looks of some of the antics and accusations swirling around the Presidential candidates, this particular oldie but goodie just might be an appropriate theme song.

No one's perfect, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. But, as I mentioned last week, we all could use someone close to us to help keep us accountable and save us from ourselves when necessary.  Sometimes our biggest enemy is not Satan or another person, but the enemy that's!

Perhaps all of the accusations against Herman Cain are false and slanderous and perfectly timed to derail his campaign. But I remember an old saying that if someone calls you a horse once, you can ignore it.  The second time, you might want to at least check yourself out in the mirror.  The third time, get a saddle! I don't know what happens when it's said the fourth time, but it might be time to move into a stable!

Who knows which of us will be thrust into the public limelight some day by choice or by popular demand, so we never know when all of our shortcomings might be put on display for all the world to see.  As Christians, however, we are always in the spotlight because we are ambassadors for Christ and there are, accordingly, certain expectations of us.

We know that people love to talk about leaders and people in positions of influence, so let's give them something to talk about.  Let's commit random acts of kindness to others instead of random acts of selfish indulgence.

Let's boldly proclaim the name of Jesus and let the world know that it is He who has made us and not we ourselves. Let's not get caught up in political rhetoric or put blind faith into any political party.  Let's go on record as being willing to freely share with others, even if it means an increase in taxes for those who can afford it.  Let's not fight to hold on to "our" riches as if this life's rewards were greater than our heavenly reward.

Let's live, love and give in such a radical fashion that people begin to mockingly ask if we think we're Mother Theresa, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, or some other renowned Christian who generously poured out all they had to give on this side of glory.

If we must be accused of something, let it be of studying the Bible too much; let it be of praying too much; let it be of checking in with God before every decision, even what to wear; let it be of readily owning up to our mistakes and asking for forgiveness; let it be of teaching our children scripture and the Ten Commandments; let it be of telling our testimony too many times; let it be of praising God too loud; let it be of singing hymns and spiritual songs all the time....

Let's vow to help one another live our lives in such a way that God gets the glory, even out of our mistakes.  That way, whenever anyone talks about us, they will end up talking about the Lord--and that's really giving them something worth talking about!


Rev. Karen

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