Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Slooow dowwwn...

Time can be our enemy or our friend--depending on the pace of our lives. We can fly through the moments in our day, rushing to finish one thing so we can quickly move on to the next. Or, we can slow down and be fully engaged in what we are doing, taking time to notice and appreciate the finer details we usually ignore. The joys of life are often found in the details that we "don't have time" to notice.

When we race against the clock, we often lose. Chronological time will march steadily forward regardless of what we do and in spite of how many things we try to squeeze into each minute. God's time, or kairos time, is that sense of being in tune with the rhythm of life--more like being IN time as opposed to merely ON time.

Being in kairos time allows you to move with the flow, not against it. Seeking God at the beginning of each day is a great means of setting your clock to kairos time.

Tomorrow, ask God to help you slow down and notice at least one inspiring detail you're usually too busy to notice. Drop me a line and let me know how it goes, IF you have the time.... ;-)

Rev. Karen


Anonymous said...


Aaaah...a TIMELY the midst of several work projects decided to stop and check out the site...after reading this blog, feel like I've sipped a COOOOL drink of water on a scorching HOT day! Thanks for sharing...Love You! m

Kendrick E. Curry said...

Thank you,my wife and my love, for this wonderful posting. As you know, I am a emerging contemplative who seeks to be still, but can go from stillness to busyness without hesitation. Your post helps me to know that in life we are very much like trains. Trains never leave the station at full speed, and they never return at full speed. They either slowly build up to full speed or they slow down from full speed. Perhaps, we all should begin our days at the station, Our Source (God), and then build up to full speed. Then take the time to slow down during the day and have station breaks as the Holy Spirit prompts us. Such a practice will help us make sure "we don't race against the clock." Instead, we will better appreciate the gift of the "inspiring details" that God gives us daily. Blessings and keep posting!

Theorymuse said...

Great Post! Your words made me realize that I tend to use nature to slow my roll. Just this morning as I was rushing to work, thinking on the number of projects that need to be completed, I noticed that a big tree had kept a large portion of the ground dry from the rain. I thought, "Look at God's original umbrella". From there I started to look around for other things that God had created for us that we rush pass. Those couple of minutes brought my day back into perspective. The lesson I learned? That the next time I feel rushed or stressed, I need to find a park, plant, or leave. *smile*

Dena said...

Thank you for reminding me to slow down. I know for me slowing down allows my ears and heart to become more open to receive his word. Wow i am amazed at how God always takes time to get our attention. So thanks Karen, I needed that word and thanks Kendrick for putting the link out to your FB family

Winthrop S Cameron said...

Rev. Karen- Right on! This is a good post for all to self-reflect. We tend to run, run, run while not seeing or hearing "details" that are everpresent and bless us individually and collectively on our journeys. Slow me down Lord
even at 6 a.m. on a Saturday morning. I am glad I stopped by this morning to receive your sharing. He gives us many simple & plain blessings in life and it is up to us to slow down to receive them and ultimately find the happiness & joy He desires for all. God's great gifts are being proclaimed in us all. Blessings on you. Peace, power, presence, prayer, praise, and the dance!!!!! Rev. Winthrop

Mona said...

Karen,God has blessed your spirit in so many ways over the years to make His Word clear,(by singing, dancing, rapping or just your radiant smile) to those who might not know Him, and clearer to those of us who do. It's so refreshing to come in to work on Wednesday's and "know" I'm going to be blessed by a Word from God through you. Thanks for sharing.
Love in Abundance to you,
Auntie Mona*