Wednesday, March 10, 2010

To Blog or Not to Blog?

Hello, Beloved Blog Family!

This week's Wednesday blog is about how I have simply been too bogged down to blog.

I knew it would eventually happen. I started this journey in September and have not missed a single Wednesday. Yet, I always wondered if the day would come that I just didn't have anything to blog about. I pondered about how I would handle it. Would I send out a cancellation notice, informing everyone to "tune in next week"? Would I issue a repeat of one of my favorite blogs? Would I post a lesson from one of the devotionals I read for encouragement? Would I simply delay it to another day of the week?

I finally decided that the only thing to do is to do what a writer does--write. After all, aren't blogs often merely written recordings of stream of consciousness thoughts flowing from the heart and mind of the writer to the hearts and minds of the readers? If I am honest, at this moment, the thoughts that are flowing through my mind are all about the challenge of pressing on with personal goals when life's responsibilities clamor louder than desired.

But, then I remember that, when life gets too loud, we can't stop. We just "Sloooow Down" and remember that "You Gotta Have Faith" because "This is a Test." There's no need to play "The Blame Game" because I am "Born Free". That means I am free to admit that sometimes, even when it comes to things I really love, like writing blogs, there are times when "I Don't Feel Like It", but I can keep pressing on knowing that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Well, "It's Getting Late" and I've got to get back to the grind of life. Writing this blog was actually a great break and a breather for me. Maybe that's all God wanted you (and me) to think about this week. When life gets too full, be honest about it, take a break, take a breath, and get back into the game.

"To Blog or Not to Blog?" I guess the answer has revealed itself.


Rev. Karen

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