Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Will it Go 'Round in Circles?

Will it go 'round in circles?
Will it fly high like a bird up in the sky?

Billy Preston asked those questions in his song, "Will it Go 'Round in Circles," which was a number one hit on the Billboard chart in 1973. 

Yes, it's an oldie, but a goodie. Unfortunately, as old as it is, it describes the direction of some of our lives today.  Some of us simply go around in circles and never really move forward in life.

"Like a dog returns to its vomit, is a fool who returns to his folly." (Proverbs 26:11)

Some of us have become so comfortable having drama in our lives that we actually embrace it because we don't know how to live without it.  We prefer to go around in circles because it will always bring us back to a familiar place.

Our fear of the unknown, fear of failure, or even fear of success causes us to give in to thoughts and emotions that lead us further into bondage.  When we think we are "standing our ground" we are sometimes actually digging our heels into quicksand.

"On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand..."

No matter how "reasonable" our anger may be, if we allow it to overtake us and cause us to sin, we are simply spinning swift circles in slowly sinking sand.

No matter how unjustly we may have been treated, two wrongs will never make a right and to seek revenge would only put us at odds with the only true and righteous judge who has declared that "vengeance is mine...."

No matter how much someone tries to bait us into circular, pointless arguments, we must remember that "for lack of wood the fire goes out, and where there is no whisperer, contention quiets down." (Proverbs 26:20)  In other words, if we learn to stop feeding into the foolishness of others, it will eventually die down.

No matter how long we have resisted temptation and feel we deserve to yield to it "just this one time" we might find that our "one time" is one time too many, as it was for Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, and far too many others. 

At some point, going around in circles should make us dizzy enough to say, "Enough!" and brave enough (or weary enough) to finally jump off.  Jumping off the merry-go-round in mid-spin can certainly cause some bumps and bruises, but those growing pains will yield a great reward in the end.

I would rather endure growing pains from moving forward, then growing stains from digging deeper and deeper into the same hole.

Billy Preston asked two questions in his song.  In fact, those questions were actually the refrain, which means he asked them over and over again,

Will it go 'round in circles?
Will it fly high like a bird up in the sky?

When it comes to your life, don't settle for silly circles.  Don't feed into the negative emotions of others--or yourself. Let God show you how to rise above the torturous schemes of the enemy and "fly high like a bird up in the sky." The view is much better from there.


Rev. Karen

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