Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What's the Big Idea?

God gives each of us dreams and goals in life. We may not realize it but His plans for us are the true impetus for what we call "our" dreams. Some of our dreams are so big that they are truly God-sized dreams, for they can only be accomplished through God.

When we are feeling stuck or trapped in life, perhaps it's because we've stopped dreaming.  We stop dreaming because we are either too complacent or too fearful to move forward. My husband shared in bible study tonight that we've got to have a vision of something that is big enough to propel us beyond our fears.  That sounds like a "big idea" to me.

So, what's the "big idea" in your life?  What's the God-sized dream that you just can't seem to shake?  No matter how many times you stumble and fall or become distracted or delayed, keep getting up and keep pressing toward the mark. Stretch forth in the direction of your dream. 

I've got a God-sized dream and just the thought of it is like a breath of fresh air.  Like many of us, I have allowed the trials of life and my own shortcomings to slow me down in my pursuit of that dream.  But rest assured, even when it looks like I'm not in motion, my dream is ever before me keeping me from totally giving up or declaring that "I've fallen and I can't get up!"

Whenever I fall I can get back up because I know God can do exceedingly abundantly above all I could ask or imagine, and I have quite an imagination! God's promises compel me to move forward, even if it's only one step a month or one step a year. 

Those of you who know the specifics of my "big idea" I solicit your continued prayers because each day I am one step closer to conquering my fears and clearing out the clouds that have overshadowed my dream for far too long.

I encourage you to not allow fears and doubts within or without to keep you from moving toward your dream.  Stay in forward motion so that if you fall at least you will fall forward.  And, who knows, one day you may think you're falling when you're actually stumbling upon something or someone who is an answer to your prayer and an access to your dream.  When that happens and the person you've stumbled into asks, "Hey! What's the big idea?" just smile and tell them, "I'm so glad you asked!"


Rev. Karen

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