Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Walking By Faith....

We walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7).

Many of us have head knowledge of what this scripture means, but I challenge you to allow the notion of walking by faith to move down from your head and sink into your heart. Perhaps it will require you to literally take a walk--by faith. That's what has been helping me to more fully appreciate what God desires of us.

Following major surgery this summer, I reached a plateau in my recovery. I got better than I was, but then I reached a point where I wasn't getting where I needed to be. So, my doctor prescribed exercise--particularly walking.

I hadn't done any serious walking since my college days, so I could not see myself getting anywhere close to the goal he set for me -- a two-hour walk. Well, a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. So, I started out with a 20-minute walk. Then, I advanced to 30 minutes, 45 minutes, and now three weeks later I am up to 1 hour and 15 minutes!

In the beginning, I couldn't see myself doing it, but I began walking anyway--by faith. I'm already feeling better and excited about reaching my goal. I'm also enjoying the view as I walk through areas I normally drive through--usually too quickly to notice the beauty around me.

Walking has forced me to "sloooww dowwn" and see the changing colors on the leaves, the beautiful architecture of historic buildings, and the quaint neighborhood corner stores that make the surrounding concrete jungle a little more homey. God has even orchestrated it that, at times, I would turn a corner or cross a street and run into people I haven't seen in 10-20 years.

I used to think it was a blessing to get a parking spot close to where I was headed. Now that I'm a "walker," as long as there is no inclement weather, it doesn't matter where I park, as long as I get a spot (preferably without a meter). Yesterday, while running errands and looking for a place to park, the nearest spot I could find was at least three blocks away. "What a blessing," I thought to myself, "I can get in a little more walking!" I had to laugh at my new perspective on parking "blessings."

When I set out to walk, I never plan my route. I just walk by faith as the Lord leads. Of course I follow basic safety such as keeping an eye on my surroundings and avoiding secluded areas. But, I never know where the next step will take me--and that's just fine. I listen keenly to God's Spirit which tells me when to turn and when to keep straight; when to move and when to stop. It's really exciting wondering where God will lead me. It's also very liberating to not have to be in full control (or at least thinking I am) of everything.

How can you step out in faith this week? Find a way to free yourself from having to be in control or knowing what every single step will bring. Examine your perspective on how God is "blessing" you--maybe it's not by making you comfortable but by stretching you.

Go ahead. Walk by faith! You will "see" things you never could by sight alone. Let me know how it goes!

Rev. Karen


Rev. Brown said...

This confirmation that this is the scripture you choose to talk about faith. I have been meditating on this scripture for about a week. From this God remind me that "He has a plan for everything and everyone". So I am planning less. Thanks for the confirmation.

Theorymuse said...

Thanks again for the Word. Many try to control the outcome of what they do because of fear but there is no need to fear because God is with us. Walking by faith is intimidating and sometimes hard but like you said, we need to practice the walk and build our faith so that by the end we are running in our faith and nothing can stop us in the plans that God has for us! *doing a dance* Praise Him!!