For many years I was in search of a "to it." I waited... and waited... and waited because not just any "to it" would do. It couldn't be square. It could not be triangular. It had to be round.
Why the puzzled expression? You know exactly what a "to it" is. Many of you are in search of one, too. And, like me, you will not budge until you get that round "to it"! You know the one--the one that will allow you to finally finish (or finally start) that project you promised you'd handle once you got -- around to it. You remember the plans and dreams that have been on hold for far too long waiting for you to get -- around to it.
Don't procrastinate any further. Don't continue to put off onto tomorrow that which you can do today. You've passed by enough tomorrows that at least one of them is long overdue for finally becoming your "today".
THIS is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it! Why not let today be the day that you take one small step toward that which you have resisted, hid, denied or delayed--knowing that God has placed it within you and within reach?
TODAY is your day to rise and shine and give God the glory for a brand new mercy and a brand new opportunity to get a round "to it"!
This series of blogs that you are now reading finally emerged once I got a round "to it". I have much more to accomplish, but this blog is an important first step--which, by the way, means that I don't need this particular "to it" any longer.
Well, well, well! This is truly your day! It would be my honor to give you my "to it" so that THIS will be the day that you finally begin at least one of the things you've always wanted to do, once you got a round "to it." Congratulations, my friend!!!
Once you've taken that first step, let me know how it feels to finally get a round "to it". I have a feeling that you will rejoice and be glad in it and declare that THIS is the day the Lord has made. :-)
Rev. Karen
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