Well, it's that time of year. Time when scores of people prepare to dress like or celebrate ghosts, witches, devils, aliens, celebrities (some times it's hard to tell one from the other), and do a variety of other miscellaneous things to pay homage to the eery side of life. Most of the people who celebrate Halloween are innocently looking for a treat and have no idea that the treat is an illusion while the trick is all too real.
One of the blockbuster movies still making a strong showing at the box office is Paranormal Activity, a simple movie with a homemade feel to it that depicts the demonic posession of an innocent young lady. People have reported having difficulty sleeping after watching the movie, being scared like never before, and just being creeped out overall. Why? Perhaps it's because they didn't read the fine print at the end of the movie that explained that the account is fictional. Or, perhaps it's because, regardless of whether this particular movie is fact or fiction, something deep within each of us recognizes that the spirit realm is real, which means that not only is God's Holy Spirit real, but so are unholy, demonic spirits.
With that in mind, why is it that so many people eagerly and gleefully look forward to celebrating and playing around with demonic spirits, but are deathly afraid and ashamed to walk in the light with the Holy Spirit? Something seems a little backwards there. This goes well beyond Halloween. That's only one night out of the year. I am referring to the deeds that we do regularly under the cover of darkness, the things that we do on the "down low" that can only make others ask, "How low can you go?"
As the Apostle Paul was ministering to the church in Galatia, at one point, their behavior caused him to ask,"Who has bewitched you....?" I ask the same question of us. When did we start believing that bad was good and good was bad? Are we under some kind of spell? I've tried bad and I've tried good. Bad usually appeared to be good at first, but later turned out to be, well, bad. Good often seemed boring and bad at first, but believe me, time continually proved that good was not only better, but best!
For example, why do we believe that it's o.k. to disobey God who tells us to flee (run as quickly and as far as possible away from ) fornication? Is it because we believe that we are "grown and sexy" or that consenting adults have the right to do whatever they please. What happened to the fact that those of us who call ourselves Christian have been bought with a price--Jesus' blood--and that God has a purpose and plan for our lives that does not include sexually transmitted diseases, unplanned pregnancies and the overall drama that comes from becoming "one flesh" with a variety of different people because we don't trust God enough to lead us to our mate. God still blesses us in spite of our mistakes, but that is not a "license to ill."
The belief "if it feels good, do it" appears to lead to all sorts of tasty, thrilling treats, but in reality it's just a tired, terrible trick.
God tells us that rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. So, when we go against God's plan and design for us, it is like being under a spell. Imagine if a dog began behaving strangely. (What would be considered strange for a dog? Anything that seems unnatural for a dog to do. The same goes for us.) We would do all we could to figure out what was making the dog behave strangely and how to make it stop.
Well, isn't it strange for those of us who love God to want to dress up like God's enemy and decorate our homes in a manner that says, "death and demons are welcome here?" Isn't it unnatural for God's creation (us) to continually engage in behaviors that essentially say, "God, you knew what You were doing when you created me, but after that, You fell out of touch with reality. I can't possibly be expected to find any joy in living for You. The only joy I can expect to get comes with a price, alright, but it's not Jesus' blood. It's the cover charge to get into the night club so I can 'legitimately' get wasted; it's the cost of the drugs I take so my mind can get 'twisted'; it's the cost of the condoms so I can get a few, fleeting moments of pleasure; it's the cost of ____________(fill in the blank here with the rebellion of your choice).
Come on! Silly rabbits! Tricks are for kids! Let's wake up, grow up and realize that God is not our enemy! God is not trying to stop us from enjoying life. In fact, just the opposite is true. God sent Jesus that we "might have life and have it more abundantly." What does that mean? Well, take the time and make the effort to figure it out. Too many of us have wasted way too much money, time, sweat and tears searching for "treats" in anything, any place and anyone else but God.
Let October 31, 2009, be the day that you declare your freedom from the tricks and traps from the enemy! Use Hallows Eve--the original name for Halloween (Hallowed=Holy, E'en=Evening)--for what it would be most appropriate for, preparing to celebrate All Saints Day, Nov. 1. Find a church that you can attend this weekend to begin celebrating and learning about the great heroes and heroines of the Bible who overcame the tricks and found the real treats in life. Connect with other people who, just like you, have finally had enough of the tricks of the enemy and are working together to help each other stand strong through God's promises.
You many not find all the answers you need from one church visit, but be patient. Remember there is no perfect church, not because God is not perfect, but because we are not. Don't let imperfect Christians be an excuse to keep you away from church. Horrible food never made you give up eating! Horrible dancers never kept you off of the dance floor at the night clubs! (They certainly didn't stop me!). Some things that should have stopped us only made us more determined! At least give God the same amount of time and commitment you gave everything else you've tried.
Let me know how it goes. Hearing your testimony will be a real treat!
Rev. Karen
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