Wednesday, January 4, 2012

You Shall Know the Truth....

Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32

That passage of scripture is quite familiar to many of us and we hear it used in a wide variety of settings.  It was even used in one of my favorite movies, Jim Carey's "Liar Liar." 

Despite its familiarity and popularity, have we ever taken the time to really meditate on the depth of its meaning?

Some of us have trouble moving forward in life because we can't see clearly which step to take.  In essence, we don't know the truth about the paths or the obstacles that are before us. Sometimes it's even difficult to tell what's real or an illusion, what's true or what's fake.

As long as we have trouble discerning the truth, we are stuck.  We are bound.  We are not free.

Many of us desire to be free in 2012, to move forward and experience the joy and freedom of living the life God destined for us, not the one we detoured onto.

But, we must recognize that it's not our talent, treasure or intellect that will set us free.  Those things come into play only after we have fully submitted to the One who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life--Jesus Christ.

Ye shall know the Truth....Perhaps it's time for us to really, intimately know Jesus, the Truth.  That may mean reading the Word more than we already do.  It may require praying more than we want to.  It may involve sitting in silence longer than we think we are able to. It may mean seeking the presence of Jesus in unexpected places.  It could mean breaking out of our protective facades into an undignified praise.

...And the Truth shall make you free...Since Truth is synonymous with Jesus, and Jesus is synonymous with the Word, it stands to reason that God's Word is that Truth that shall make us free.

Also, if we read one verse above the passage in John 8 about being made free, we will find that verse 31 says, "If you abide in My word, then you are truly disciples of mine;" It then goes on to say, "...and you shall know the truth..."

Even when we are so entangled and encumbered by the cares of this life that we don't even know what scripture to read or what we should pray, God's Holy Spirit is there to lead us and guide us into all truth and help us pray. 

All we have to do is just want to know the Truth and God will make a way!  I wanted to strengthen my prayer life and devotional time, and guess what God did?  He led me to a Christmas party where I won a prize and the prize was--that's right--a book about praying the scriptures.  I use that book every morning now to start my day focused on the Truth about what God has to say about me and my life.

I have been desiring to exercise to lose weight and improve my health, and God led one of my church's Ministers in Training who is a Personal Fitness Instructor to announce that he would begin offering free classes at the church every Saturday!

2012 has the potential to be your best year yet if you are willing to say goodbye to self-deception about everything from weight, to health, to childhood trauma and anything else we have guarded or denied.

Let the light of God's Word shine on all those areas and expose them to the truth that no weapon formed against us shall prosper and that we are more than conquerers through Christ Jesus.  Fill your mind with the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth.

For, then you shall know the Truth and the Truth will make you free!

BNcouraged in 2012!

Rev. Karen

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