Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I Thought So

"Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think" (Romans 12:2a New Living Translation).

When someone says, "I thought so" it usually implies that he or she had an original thought, opinion or hypothesis that was later proven to be correct.  However, if you add punctuation to the phrase, you can change its meaning from one that is closed and definitive to one that is more open-ended and invites deeper probing. 

For example, adding ellipses (....) at the end of the phrase could indicate that the speaker is searching for just the right word to describe how he or she used to think.  If many of us reflect honestly on how we used to think before we were saved,  the phrase, "I thought so...." would be filled in with words like, "foolishly", "hastily", or "selfishly."

Some of us still think in those ways.  If we continue to live by the world's standards, we can't help but think like that.  We've all heard phrases like, "Looking out for number one", "Every man for himself", or "It's not my problem" or "They must not know who I am!" Where would we be today of Jesus thought like that when it came time to die on the cross for our sins? Those sayings come from selfish thinking and are contrary to the example Jesus set for us and what God expects from us.

If we add a comma to the phrase, "I thought so" we then change its meaning to indicate that a thought took place and something happened as a result of it.  If more of us would take time to think before we speak, we might say, "I thought, so I realized I didn't have to curse back at her."  Or, "I thought, so my words and my tone were more caring instead of harsh and judgmental."  Or, perhaps, "I thought, so I realized it wasn't necessary for me to respond at all, just to listen."

Sometimes, even those closest to us will urge us to respond swiftly to negative encounters with promptings like, "Are you going to let him talk to you like that?!" Worldly reasoning makes us think we need to swiftly "give someone a piece of our mind" in response to their words or actions.  Often, we would be a lot better off if we would just hold on to all the pieces we have and let the Lord transform them! 

It might feel good to us at the moment to get something off of our chest, but a momentary satisfaction of "telling someone what's on our mind" can have longterm and lethal consequences for all involved if it doesn't come from the right place.

We can't always control what others do or what happens to us, but we can control what we think about people and situations. We don't have to get angry just because someone provokes us.  We don't have to take it personally when someone speaks to us in a harsh tone.  We could use situations like these as an opportunity to show compassion.  Instead of fighting fire with fire, we could allow God to use us as cooling water to put out the flames consuming someone who's been agitated by the enemy and doesn't even realize what they are doing.

We never know who or what we will encounter in life that will put our faith to the test.  If we just pause long enough to remember that God causes everything to work for our good, that we are more than conquerers through Jesus Christ, and that no weapon formed against us shall prosper, we can allow the Holy Spirit to renew our minds and...

"Then you will know what God wants you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect His will really is" (Romans 12:2b).

Just think about it. Wouldn't life be a lot less stressful and complicated if we let God guide our thoughts, words and actions in accordance with His will instead of our own?

I thought so.


Rev. Karen

1 comment:

Aiesha said...

Rev. Karen, I must say that this is an on-time Word! Just yesterday someone said mean and nasty comments to me. I wanted to get in my flesh and "let them know" but I thought, so I knew I didn't have to respond and remained silent.

This Word just reinforced that I made the right choice and though I wish I could've at least given them a teensy bit of my mind; I know I did the right thing. Keep on giving us this Manna from Heaven!! -Aiesha