Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Blessed Assurance...

...Jesus is mine. Oh! What a foretaste of glory divine. Heir of salvation, purchased of God. Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood....

I am so glad that I belong to God! It's not enough to simply believe in God, for scripture tells us that even the demons believe and tremble (at least some of them have enough sense to tremble at the awesomeness of God. Sometimes we claim to believe, yet never tremble!).

When I say that I belong to God, I say it out of recognition that I have been bought with a price --Jesus' shed blood; that I do not belong to this world--I am a peculiar person; and that I am a child of the King--Jesus is my Savior and Lord.

Recognizing who I am and whose I am gives me blessed assurance that the blessings I have seen in this life are but a foretaste of glory divine. I can press on through my bad days because I know that there are better days ahead in this life and beyond.

...Perfect submission, perfect delight. Visions of rapture now burst on my sight!

Recognizing who I am and whose I am allows me to submit to God's will and to delight in doing so, as I look forward to being raptured away from the cares of this world. I am learning not to dwell on my struggles but to dwell and delight in the promises of God--for those will far outlast any troubles I experience.

...Watching and waiting, looking above. Filled with His goodness, lost in His love!

Recognizing who I am and whose I am keeps me looking above, from whence cometh my help! When I allow God's Holy Spirit to fill me and have full reign in me, I am able to see and feel His love for me everywhere I look.

Regardless of the story the world tries to tell me about life and and how to find joy in it, THIS is my story, THIS is my song....Praising my Savior all the day long!

Try praising God today. If you can't praise Him because of your circumstances, try praising Him in spite of your circumstances. Your sacrifice of praise will enable you to hear God's echoes of mercy and whispers of love. In times like these, that's just the type of Blessed Assurance we need.


Rev. Karen

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