Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Darkness = Daylight Coming

Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. (Psalm 30:5b)

Are you or someone you know struggling through a dark time? If your answer is "no", just keep living. Sooner or later we will all face a time in our lives when we can't see our way through to the next step. No one is exempt. Not presidents, not pastors, not me, not you.

The more we read of God's Word the more we find that even those who watched for a Savior (David), walked with the Savior (Peter) and were transformed by the Savior (Paul) went through times of doubt, despair, disappointment and discouragement.

Though darkness is real, it is temporary. I repeat....Though darkness is real, it is temporary. Even in places like Alaska where there are cities that remain in darkness for months at a time, even the lengthiest dark spells are still temporary.

The blessing that we have as believers in Jesus Christ is that the Word of God is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. So, even when we are unable to see 10 feet ahead in the darkness, through prayer and the Word we can go through one step at a time. That's what faith is, isn't it? Faith is the evidence of things not seen.

Don't retreat when darkness comes. If you can't move forward, just stand firm. If there are things you don't know, stand on what you do know--that no weapon formed against you shall prosper, that God shall supply all your needs, that without faith it is impossible to please God, that God will turn your mourning into dancing.

Every midnight is followed by a sunrise. So, if you are in darkness now, just hold on because darkness is simply an announcement that daylight is coming.


Rev. Karen


Keith Ogden said...

Rev. Karen Curry, thank youfor your profound post, and I'm sure these are all of your thought and not my friend Dr. Kendrick Curry, LOL!

Rev Dusty said...

I must say this is where I was through most of the summer in darkness. Because of where I am now I can say this piece is true, for His peace that surpasses all understand still remains and the joy that strengthens us keeps me in pure wonder of His awesomeness in my life. Continue to allow Him to use you in this forum and watch what is to come.

Rev. Yolanda Sampson said...

Rev. Karen, what a timely message! As I pondered on your blog entry today, two questions came to mind: Individually and collectively as the body of Christ, are we doing enough to share Jesus Christ – The Light of the World – with those who are struggling through a dark time? OR are we too consumed with our own issues (i.e.: personal, church building projects, and church politics) to even reach out to the snipers, the unemployed, the suicidal, the slanderers, the backsliders, the lost, the least, and the lonely people of the world? Let us go before the Lord today and ask HIM how we (individually and collectively as the church) can better share HIS light in a world midst of darkness. “Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).