Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Grow Up!

Growth and maturity are essential to human development.  The earlier we begin taking in the proper mental, physical and spiritual nourishment, the stronger, faster, wiser, and overall happier we will grow up to be. 

When I was a child, I couldn't wait to grow up.  I thought that when I grew up, I would be amongst other grown-ups and we would all know and be able to do all the "right things."  I assumed that lying, jealously competing, being a "copy cat", pouting, throwing temper tantrums, and behaving recklessly would all cease and desist once everyone grew up.  Reality was a big disappointment.

What I found, instead, was that we all certainly do grow, just not necessarily "up." Some of us grow bitter, others grow stagnant, too many of us grow fat, and sadly some of us never grow anything except chronologically older.

Some of us think that growing up means throwing away all of the rules and guidelines that we learned in childhood.  The problem is, if we never internalized those things that were designed to help us grow "up", when it's time to step up, we have nothing to draw upon. 

Being "grown" doesn't mean living wild and recklessly ala Charlie Sheen because we think no one can tell us what to do. A fully mature adult doesn't need anyone to tell them what to do, not because they are "grown," but because internal signals from the Holy Spirit and life experiences guide him or her to where they need to be.  Remember, self-control is a fruit of the Spirit, not the fruit of "grown up" flesh.

"There is a way that seems right unto man, but its end is the way of death" (Proverbs 16:25).  God's Word is so true. How many more examples of this do we need to see?  All of the fallen celebrities, musicians, ministers and even some of our own friends and family who have met untimely deaths or lived wasted lives should make it painfully obvious that being "grown" by the world's standards can put us on a deadly path. 

Time and time again we've seen the effects of unbridled greed/pride, excessive anger, arrogance, reckless spending, unhealthy relationships, unplanned pregnancies, carefree use of drugs/alcohol, violent behavior, selfish thinking, and other traps used by the enemy to steal, kill and destroy our ability to grow up and experience healthy, joy-filled lives.

So, why do we think we can travel down those same one-way, dead-end streets and somehow think things will turn out differently for us? Some of us will grieve over a friend killed from drunk driving, yet still go and get wasted. (Take a moment to really think about the depth of that term, "wasted").  Oh, I forgot. We can handle it, because we're "grown."

Friends, I don't know about you, but I am "growing" tired of us falling for the same old tired tricks of the enemy to confuse us about where to find real joy in life.  Real, lasting joy is not in a dollar. It's not in a bottle.  It's not in a pill.  It's not in someone's bed.  It's not in our titles or positions. And, no matter what we see on television, there are not enough tatoos, piercings, or sexy clothes in the world to fill the voids some of us have.

All of those things are external and temporary.  They are not even big enough or strong enough to contain the supernatural joy that God can give.  "This joy that I have, the world didn't give and the world can't take it away!"

How do we get lasting joy?  By looking up-- "I will lift up mine eyes unto the help cometh from the Lord" (Psalms 121:1). By keeping up with the Lord's commandments--"Keep my commandments and live..."  (Proverbs 7:2). By speaking up--when we simply ask God to direct us (pray), we find that "Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence [is] fulness of joy; at thy right hand [there are] pleasures forevermore" (Psalm 16:11).

God promises to do "exceedingly, abundantly above all we could ask or imagine" (Ephesians 3:20). In other words, God wants us to experience mind-blowing joy--with no strings and no regrets!  All this is awaiting those of us who are willing to leave the schoolyard once and for all and finally Grow Up!


Rev. Karen


EAGLE07 said...

Absolute truth! What more can one say? Amen.

Unknown said...

Amen,Karen! You hit it for me on a regular basis. I thought I was the only one who noticed that one of the fruits of the Spirit was self-control! You go, Gurl! ;0)

Unknown said...

Very passionate argument! This should definitely speak to the heart of the Christian and the unsaved. Thank you for sharing your anointing.

Bro. Mack