The phrase, "get with the program," means to get in tune with or become a part of what is going on. It's very use implies that someone has been out of tune or out of step with some activity or movement and is, consequently, being invited or directed to get involved.
While many of us profess faith in God, not all of us have been willing to "get with the program" with regard to fully integrating our faith into our way of living. We know that we are to "pray without ceasing", yet sometimes prayer is the last thing on our minds and definitely the furthest thing from our mouths based on what comes out!
We know that we are to take God's Word and "meditate day and night and observe to do according to all that is therein" but sometimes all we can meditate on are the irritations and disappointments we face--especially when they keep staring us in the face.
Sometimes the challenges of life get so intense that we wish we could just change the channel, like we do with television.
Actually... there may be something to that notion. Whenever we want to change the program on our televisions, we push a button on the remote control and the channel changes. If we don't like what we see, we keep changing until we get to a better program. In order for the remote control to work, however, we must first pre-program it to connect with the channels on the TV set.
What if we pre-programmed our minds and hearts with so much of God's Word that when things start getting crazy or discouraging in our lives, when life starts pushing our buttons, scriptural truths would start coming out?
Relationship drama building up to a crescendo? "Click!" Turn to Channel 113 where you'll see that "Love is patient. Love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast...." Just got word that you're losing your job? "Click!" Turn to Channel 8 where you'll learn about a new beginning with God who "shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory." Dealing with a fearful or dreadful report? "Click" Turn to Channel 23 where one of the most popular programs features a shepherd singing, "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou [art] with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me."
When life starts to get the best of us, we are all going to turn to something to help us get through. Instead of drugs, food, illicit sex or some other vice that tempts us with empty promises, why not let that "something" be from the someONE who took the time to leave us an instructional love letter to help us successfully navigate life? In it we'll find that God's program is one of prayer, praise, presence, power and purpose.
Are you starting to get the picture? Good. But, the only way you will really be able to get the picture is if you Get With the Program.
Rev. Karen
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