From cradle to grave, we rely on various medicines to keep our fragile human bodies functioning properly. Newborns are prescribed medicines to help strengthen their lungs, toddlers and children are prescribed ointments to treat skin rashes, teens and adults may take antibiotics to fight various infections, and sadly, our seniors are often overprescribed a laundry list of medicines.
Often, we put blind faith in our doctors and the medicines they prescribe for us, because we trust that they are working for our good. We follow the doctors' orders exactly as prescribed so that we are sure to get the promised results. A call from our pharmacist to say, "Your prescription is ready!" is sweet music to our ears for it is almost the equivalent of hearing, "Your healing is on the way!"
When will we realize that the same faith we readily put into a medical prescription is what it takes for us to tap into the power of the Holy scriptures? If we just leave the words on the page without digesting them, it's the same as leaving our pills in the bottle without taking them.
We are to meditate daily upon God's Word, not try to survive off of remnants of what we heard someone else say about what they heard someone say God said! God's Word is alive and operative and sharper than any two-edged sword. It is personal enough and powerful enough to slice and dice through whatever spiritual bacterial infection we contract--but only if we actually take it into our heart and minds and apply it in our lives.
If you've only been reading God's Word occasionally, try a daily dose. Those of us in ministry, please remember that reading scriptures for sermon preparation is not necessarily the same as reading God's Word for personal growth.
Just think about all of the wonderful and insightful things God wants to share with us personally through His Word if we would just take Him at His Word and meditate on the scriptures day and night. And thankfully, unlike our medical prescriptions, the Scriptures have no adverse side affects--and some of those medical side affects are downright deadly! In fact, it is the Scriptures that heal us from the adverse and deadly side affects of sin!
Regardless of your situation, there IS a balm in Gilead to heal the sin sick soul. The Great Physician has already seen your condition and has just what you need for true inner healing. If you are ready to really trust God for what ails you, here are the words you've been waiting to hear: "Your preScription is Ready!" Now go pick it up!
Rev. Karen
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