Wednesday, January 19, 2011

When "All Natural" is Not All Right

"Organic" is the buzzword of the day.  Everywhere we look find organic products.  There are organic foods, organic grooming products, even "organic" dry cleaners.

An organic label conjures notions of something being all natural in its composition or in its process.  And, the inherent assumption is that anything all natural is all good.  Not necessarily so.  In fact, there are some herbs and natural plants that will speedily bring an end to any natural life that dares to consume them.

We live as natural beings, and, through the indwelling of God's Holy Spirit, we live simultaneously as supernatural beings.  As long as we live on this side of glory, we live naturally and supernaturally, and therein lies our struggle.

Those things that we comprehend in the natural are sometimes the exact opposite of what God instructs in the supernatural.  Take for instance, the scripture in James 1:19  that tells us to be "quick to listen and slow to speak or get angry."

That guidance is in direct opposition to what we tend to do naturally in conversations-- especially heated ones.  If we are honest about it, we are often slow to listen and quick to speak and fly off the handle.  We jump in, jump to conclusions, and just jump all over each other trying to make sure we get our point across. 

We are instructed to "not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing" (1 Peter 3:9).  Well, naturally you know how that goes...again, the exact opposite of God's Word. 

Also, in our natural way of thinking, if you add 1+1 you will get 2.  When it comes to marriage, however, God's math says 1+1=1.  And, furthermore, in order to comprehend the concept of the Holy Trinity, you have to accept that 1+1+1=1!

When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness He taught us that "man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God."  In other words, physical food is not enough to completely sustain us.  We must have spiritual nourishment also.

When we try to live only as all natural beings, we miss out on the deeper truths and wisdom that come from above, far beyond nature. While it is commendable to strive to be "one with nature," if we do not concurrently hunger and thirst after righteousness and strive to be one with God, our creator, we run the risk of worshiping the creation instead of the creator. 

We also limit ourselves and foolishly attempt to contain God in a box--organically constructed of all natural materials, of course--and think we can somehow arrive at "enlightenment" through human faculties or nature alone.

Just remember, it's alright to be natural, but we can never be all right without the supernatural.


Rev. Karen

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