Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Time Out

Well, Friends and Family,

It finally happened....God placed me in Time Out.  After succumbing to a one-two punch where one child brought home germs that took me over a week to fight off,  immediately followed by even stronger germs brought in from the other child, I am now battling fatigue and laryngitis.  When there's nothing left (or no ability) to say, that's when it's time to stop and listen.

I will be taking time out over the next month to rest, reflect, and "Think on These Things...." as I seek to recharge and refresh myself.

My blog will be on hiatus during this time, but I look forward to returning reinvigorated and ready to continue challenging and exhorting us to not gloss over God's movement in our lives, but to deliberately slow down and "Think on These Things..."


Rev. Karen

1 comment:

Nancy Lucenay said...

Take care of yourself, Karen. You'll be in my prayers.