Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Shaken, Not Stirred!

Well, well, well...  Many of us have been desiring to see some things get shaken up in Washington, DC, but who knew God would step in and do the job personally--and literally!

Earthquakes occur along fault lines, so why on earth would any of us be surprised that Washington, DC would have enough "faults" in and around it to experience a measurable quake?  We've been on shaky ground for a long time--due to the physical faults in the ground and the figurative faults in the people--so we were long overdue for a shake up!

Thankfully there have been little to no serious injuries reported as a result of the quake. I have heard, however, that some people were emotionally shaken up or fearful that the end of the world was taking place.

Frankly, it never crossed my mind that the world might be coming to an end.  And, even if yesterday was "the end" (oh, wait, that date has been moved to October 21 per doomsday prophet Harold Camping) I am ready to meet the Lord, so fear would not have been a factor.

If we are truly followers of Jesus Christ we know that we belong to God, we were created in God's image, we were all given a plan and a purpose from God, and will one day leave this earth and go to be with God.  That gives us the blessed assurance that no matter what happens around us, we remain in the palm of God's hand.

That blessed assurance also makes us mindful that God's Holy Spirit will lead us and guide us into all truth--truth about how we should treat one another, truth about how we should use the gifts and the time God has given us, truth about how in our everyday lives we ought to give God glory. 

We shouldn't get all stirred up and run to God only in time of fear or need, and give thanks only when things go our way.  If we have been treating God like a part-time lover, perhaps it's time to get serious and really commit ourselves to a full-fledged relationship. 

If we could just let go of all the fussing, cussing, flexing, sexing, sexting and  excessive texting we'd stop wasting time and live life like it's a blessing.

That way, when things start going haywire all around us, we will not be moved.  We might be a little shaken, but definitely not stirred!


Rev. Karen

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