In the late 1970s, the Doobie Brothers had a hit single entitled, "What a Fool Believes." In the refrain of the song, lead singer Michael MacDonald crooned in his signature velvety voice,
"But what a fool believes ... he sees
No wise man has the power to reason away..."
Today, in response to more than two years of persistent foolish haranguing, President Barack Obama did what no other president in the history of our country has ever been asked or expected to do--he published a copy of his birth certificate for all the world to see to prove that he was born an American citizen. Those who truly had a need to see his documentation have seen it and the issue was settled for them long ago. So, what's really behind the clamoring for it to be presented for all the other inquiring minds?
All the noise and fury about the President's history makes me wonder if we have we somehow forgotten our own history as Americans. Have we forgotten that America is a country that was founded by early "settlers" (illegal aliens in today's terms) who arrived unannounced and ruthlessly set out to decimate the indigenous population, labeling the native people "savages" for defending their own country?
If truth be told, there aren't very many of us who have the full right to call ourselves "Americans," which may be why many of us acknowledge our non-American heritage whether it be Irish, Italian, Jewish, African, or a host of others.
I understand that the law requires those who hold the office of President of the United States to be born in this country. What puzzles me in this situation is that, despite the confirmation of Hawaii state officials--Republican and Democrat--along with the findings of Hawaii media, and sworn affadavits by other officials regarding the President's birth, there are still those in leadership who insist on giving life to what began as desperate speculation on the part of those who simply want to deny Barack Obama the opportunity to serve as President.
Despite our savage beginnings, one of the strong points of our country today is that we are free to choose our own leaders. We are even free not to like or agree with every elected leader, but we are not free to disrespect the democratic process or disrespect the office of the President, regardless of who sits in the seat.
Christians are called to pray for those in leadership, not prey on them. If any other American citizen faced a situation where they had satisfied the requirements of the Human Resources department or other key officials, yet faced relentless pressure by individuals in their workplace to present their birth certificate to curiosity-seekers, there would be grounds for a harrassment suit.
Even after today's posting of the birth certificate, there will still be those who will stubbornly hold on to what they choose to believe, for just as Proverbs 18:2 says, "A fool has no delight in understanding." Proverbs 10:23 explains, "Doing wrong is like a joke to a fool, but wisdom is pleasure to a man of understanding."
If we truly believe and trust in God and understand that the government is ultimately upon His shoulders, we will not be inclined to expend inordinate amounts of energy trying to reverse what He has allowed. Nothing happens without the Lord allowing it. He may not cause some things to occur, but He certainly allows all things to work together for our good.
If we don't like who we have in office, we don't need to fear, they can't serve forever. The one we really need to fear is the Lord, who watches how we react when things don't go our way. Do we throw tantrums and act like we have forgotten that God is still in control? Or do we humble ourselves and remember that "the fear of the LORD [is] the beginning of knowledge: [but] fools despise wisdom and instruction (Proverbs 1:7)."
Regardless of who I vote for, I don't put my faith in any man or woman. My faith is in God, who will not allow any policy or political maneuvering to destroy my destiny. In the words of one of the great church hymns, "My hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus' blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus' name. On Christ the solid rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand. All other ground is sinking sand...."
Rev. Karen
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