Have you ever taken time just observe the beauty and wonder of nature? When we take time to really look intently at creation, God is truly evident all around us. When we take time to truly listen intently to creation, God speaks to us in subtle ways.
Earlier this week, I was gazing at the beauty of a large tree when I noticed a strong rustling of the leaves way on the top of the tree. As the branches began bouncing and swaying, I looked and saw a squirrel scurrying around on the outer limbs of the tree. I had never seen a squirrel that high up or that far out on a tree limb.
The branches of the tree appeared to be solid and strong, but the limbs, however, were quite...limber. They flexed and bowed with every move of the squirrel.
I wondered why the squirrel would forego the safety of strong, rigid branches and run about on a tightrope of slender, bending limbs. I got my answer when I saw it scurry to the very end of a limb, spin around and begin chomping gleefully on an acorn. Gnawing at the acorn with the speed and intensity of a chainsaw, the squirrel appeared completely oblivious or unconcerned about the danger of being perched up so high and out so far. In fact, it promptly proceeded to run out on another limb, though that time its search was unsuccessful.
Unfazed, the squirrel continuing going out limb after limb until it struck gold. I don't know much about acorns, but based on the actions of that squirrel, I assume that the acorns still dangling on the limbs were far tastier than the ones that had fallen on the ground. That squirrel had apparently calculated the cost and decided that in order to get what he loved best, he had to go out on a limb.
God loves us so much that He sent Jesus Christ to go "out on a limb" to reach us. He calculated the cost and decided to go out on a limb by leaving His throne to walk upon this guilty sod. He went out on a limb for us when "for the joy that was set before Him [He] endured the cross...." (Hebrews 12:2)
WE are that joy that was set before Him, a joy that could only be redeemed by going out on a limb. Jesus actually went out out on two limbs, one vertical, representing His descent from Heaven to earth. The other limb, placed horizontally across the vertical limb, is symbolic of Him stretching His arms wide to give up His life for us and to receive us into His arms.
Are we willing to follow Jesus' example and go out on a limb for Him? What about our lesson from "Mr. Squirrel" to stop scrounging for scraps here on the ground and recognize that the greater things in life are high above?
Today, let's move past the fright and into the delight of going out on a limb for the Lord.
Rev. Karen
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