Wednesday, September 8, 2010

No Deposit No Return

Some of us go through life expecting--sometimes even demanding--something for nothing. There are those of us who have somehow convinced ourselves that we are entitled to receive things like paychecks or privileges even if we never show up for work--or only show up physically and not mentally.

Some of us complain that we don't feel God's presence or can't hear God speaking to us, but perhaps it is because we don't "seek the Lord while He may be found." Perhaps we haven't fully accepted His gift of salvation and eternal life because we're afraid we'll miss out on something in this life. If we are honest, some of us don't even want to read God's Word and pray daily; we don't want to settle down and commit to being discipled at a church and be fed consistently; we have no desire to serve others; we don't strive to feed our spirit with Spirit-filled music; we are more excited about football and will spend countless hours watching it on Sundays, but start watching the clock on God if service gets too close to two hours (I won't even mention the fact that the players on the field don't even know most of us and didn't/wouldn't shed their blood for us) ....yet, we get angry at God when our requests are not granted instantly.

Sometimes, when we go through hard times we expect the church to bail us out without batting an eye. Since the church tries to model the unconditional love that Christ demonstrated, it often will reach out a helping hand even to those who rarely participate in the life of the church. Sadly, even after receiving help from the body of Christ, some will immediately return to their "regularly scheduled program already in progress" -- at least until the next crisis.

How many of us think it would be reasonable to get angry at a bank for refusing to give us money out of someone else's account? If we don't have an account of our own in which we have been depositing resources, why should we expect the bank to give us something just because we want it?

While we can never earn God's blessings and favor, when we sincerely strive to "love the Lord our God with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength....and love our neighbor as ourselves" we are depositing energy into an account that yields incredible returns. Yet, sadly, some of us are willing to take more risks on the stock market than we are on God--but only God gives guaranteed returns!

The more faith, time and energy we deposit into our relationship with God the more we experience and enjoy the fruit of God's Spirit--love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Again, not because we can actually earn these things, but because they are a naturally occuring result of a genuine relationship with God.

Some of us have been depositing for a long time and still have yet to see a return. Just hold on. Your labor is not in vain. A divine delay is not a denial, for indeed you will "reap if you faint not." Remember, "God is not a man that He should lie" and He has promised that "no good thing will He uphold from them that walk upright" plus He will do "exceedingly, abundantly above all we could ask or imagine."

There's a certain peace and blessed assurance in knowing that, with God, every deposit yields a return no matter how long the delay. So, don't forfeit your deposit just because of a delay. Remember, no deposit, no return.


Rev. Karen

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