Have you ever really wanted or needed something from a machine and found out that the machine was out of order? Think about the frustration and disappointment that wells up in you. Some people might actually get upset or angry about not being able to get what they desired.
Others simply refuse to heed the "Out of Order" sign and think that by kicking or shaking the machine they will somehow force it to comply with their request.
We can be that way with each other sometimes. When we desire or expect something from someone, we get frustrated, disappointed, upset or angry. We believe that our requests are reasonable and wonder why others just don't go along with the program and provide us with what we want or need.
Have we ever considered the possibility that our request might be reasonable, but our approach might be "out of order." Sometimes we forget that relating to others is a two-way street. Even when we are interacting with someone with the sole purpose of obtaining something from them, we have to consider the impact of the timing and delivery of our request on the timing and delivery of their response.
If we come across as demanding, impatient or superior we might not get the best response to our request. If we are respectful, patient and appreciative, we might get not only what we asked for, but some things we didn't even know to ask for.
How do we check ourselves and make sure we are not the ones who are "out of order" for getting angry with those whom we readily label "out of order" simply because they don't follow our orders?
Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us to "Trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not unto our own understanding. In all our ways acknowledge Him and He will direct our paths." That is the only way to make sure we are in order. We can't base our conclusions on own our own reasoning, for that will tell us that we are always innocent, always the victim of others' shortcomings. It's hard hear or see ourselves as others do, which is why we cannot appreciate the full impact of our actions toward them.
If our heart is right and we trust in the Lord, He will do what we can't. He will open the heart and eyes of others to hear our hearts, even (and especially) when our words get in the way. He will reorder that which is out of order in order to establish order of the highest order, no matter how small or tall the order!
BNcouraged! That's an order! :-)
Rev. Karen
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