When we are born, regardless of the status or culture we are born into, we are all born free. First of all, the umbilical cord is cut, freeing us from the literal, physical connection to our mothers. With regard to our spirit and psyche, we are also set free--free to be angry and free to be joyful, free to praise and free to curse, free to obey and free to disobey, free to sin and free not to.
Because we are born in sin and shaped in inquity, we don't have to be taught to choose to do things like lie or be deceitful, those things come naturally. We do, however, have to learn how to make other choices --how to use our freedom responsibly and for the greater good.
Our natural births do give us a measure of freedom, but the more we look around, we see that there are so many things lurking about to draw us into bondage, making our freedom sometimes seem not so "free."
Human beings are easily and readily drawn into bondage and addictions--whether it's food, love, plastic surgery,violence, video games, texting, Tweeting, or Facebooking--you name it. If it exists and provides even the slightest bit of pleasure, we can become addicted to it.
The reason we become addicted is because, in reality, those things can never be enough. They are emotional (and sometimes chemical) appetizers, always giving just enough to keep wetting our appetites for more, yet never giving us enough to get full.
That's why, although we are born "free" we need to be "born again" in order to really experience freedom. We can't change the situations we are born into--we can't change the beginning of our life's story--but we can certainly choose the ending. It doesn't matter where we come from. What matters is where we're going.
If life is getting the best of you or someone you know, just do what the kids call a "do over." Start over by accepting God's generous gift of love to us through Jesus Christ and be "born again." Find a church home where you can learn what it truly means to be born again and walk in a new direction. Get into a bible study where you can ask questions and learn how to appreciate God's Word and see it in action in your everyday life.
If you've already accepted Jesus Christ into your life, let the commitment you made years ago be "born again" today as you recapture the child-like faith that leads to unconditional acceptance of and excitement about the gift of salvation.
Don't just give up and walk around like the living dead. Remember....you were born free and "whom the Son sets free is free, indeed!"
Rev. Karen
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