The Connecticut tragedy has raised more questions than answers, and sadly, it is a situation that may never yield definitive answers, so we will likely be left to continue pondering our questions.
One question that stands out in my mind deals with what was sown into the lives of the mother and son who are at the center of the tragedy. There are many reports about guns being the connecting point for the two of them, but what was it about their lives that drew them so strongly toward guns?
I know that in certain regions throughout the U.S., guns are a natural part of the culture, and shooting guns is almost a rite of passage. Has anyone ever examined why that is? Some might say it's simply for enjoyment,but what is really enjoyable about causing an animal or a person to die a violent death just for entertainment? Does it represent an underlying desire for power or control?
There are those who spend countless hours at the shooting range, perfecting their skills. Are some of us guilty of studying more about guns than about God? Are we teaching our children more about guns and self-defense than we are about God's Word and self-control, which is a fruit of the Spirit?
Scripture tells us that God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble. But, it seems some of us have decided that just in case He doesn't provide us with the refuge and strength we think we need, we'll keep a few guns handy to take matters into our own hands.
I've heard that some folks teach their children about guns so that they can handle them responsibly and defend themselves if necessary. But, how many reports have you heard about children handling a gun responsibly and saving the day because there was a gun in the home? I haven't heard a single report like that, but I have heard countless stories of children who were taught about guns at home who took that teaching and shot themselves or others accidentally--or on purpose.
I've also heard that "guns don't kill people, people kill people." That's true to an extent, but I view it from the perspective of the title of this week's blog entry--More God, Less Guns. If more people have more God in them and there are less guns available for those who don't, there will be less people who are inclined to shoot people, and less ammunition for them to accomplish it with. Even though it's people who pull the trigger, some tragedies would be far less likely to occur if guns were not accessible.
Some argue that gun control only controls the guns that belong to "law-abiding citizens" instead of criminals. Again, how many news reports have you heard where individuals who had guns thwarted a criminal? Sure, we've all heard a few stories--a FEW stories-- but none to match the number of people harmed by guns.
Friends, I know we live in dangerous times, but we simply cannot shoot our way out of this wicked world. I don't think the stairway into to Heaven will be found littered with shell casings, and when we reach the pearly gates I don't expect to see Yosemite Sam there shooting off a few rounds into the air and welcoming us in with a "rootin' tootin'" shout of, "Well done thou good and faithful varmints!"
We must be careful about putting our passion and our faith into anything man-made because God will not share his glory with another. We also must be careful about how we train up our children, for however we train them when they are young, "when they are old they will not depart from it."
If we teach them to respect life, it will be reflected in their life. If we teach them through hands-on experience or through gun-oriented video games that people are fair game for target practice, Job 4:8 certainly holds true, "As I have observed, those who plow evil and those who sow trouble reap it."
So, what do we sow? It depends on what we want to see grow....more of God in our hearts, or more guns in our hands.....
Rev. Karen
A weekly posting of encouraging and challenging thoughts about life from Rev. Karen W. Curry, a pastor's wife and mother of two who is also --in her "spare time"-- a dynamic preacher, teacher, motivational speaker, facilitator, writer, reviewer, poet, MC, liturgical dance/drama consultant and storyteller. Contact Rev. Karen at to speak at your next service or retreat.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Well, Well, Well....It's 12-12-12!
Today's date -12-12-12-- hasn't occurred very often. In fact, only persons who are at least 100 years old have been around long enough to witness this occurrence for a second time.
People are fascinated by unique combinations of numbers. In fact, many people chose to get married today because of the rarity of today's date. If they made a point to get married today, I'm sure some of them decided to go all the way and get married guessed it,12:12pm.
Twelve is actually quite a special number. There are 12 hours on a clock, and every 12 hours the time changes from night to day and vice versa. There are 12 items in a dozen, 12 inches in a foot and 12 months in a year. A jury consists of 12 persons. I read an interesting MSN article that explained how the number 12 is a unique number mathematically because it breaks down into halves, thirds, fourths, sixths and twelfths.
Biblically, twelve is also special because there were 12 disciples, 12 gates to the city, 12 tribes of Israel, and after suffering for 12 years, a woman was healed from an issue of blood-- a healing that took place while Jesus was on His way to heal a 12-year-old girl whom He raised from the dead. After Jesus performed a miracle by feeding the multitudes with fish and loaves there were 12 baskets filled with leftovers. I could provide "dozens" more examples, but I think you get the picture. The number 12 has great significance and is more prominent in our lives then we realize.
How appropriate that in this special month, the 12 month, we would celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Scholars may continue to debate whether December 25 is the actual birth date of Christ. But, there is no debate that He was born, lived and died over 2000 years ago. His life and death are not only matters of faith, but they are matters of historical record.
It is quite amazing that Christians throughout the entire world all agreed to celebrate Christ's birth on the same day in the same month. It's hard enough to get 12 people to unanimously agree on anything, let alone dozens and dozens of people all throughout the world. The level of worldwide agreement that it took to settle on December 25 as the day to celebrate Christ's birth is reason enough to celebrate because that depth of agreement is truly a miracle!
As this day draws to a close, and as this year draws to a close, I challenge you to look back over the past twelve months and find at least one miraculous thing God did for you. Even if you have had a tough and challenging year, if you reflect deeply enough, you will see moments where God either calmed the storm or calmed you and carried you through the storm. If you think about it, there were times throughout the year when you were almost down to the midnight hour and God came through, or even if He didn't come through the way you expected, today you are still able to stand because you are on the other side of through.
Twelve days from now will be Christmas Eve. When the clock strikes 12 at midnight on Christmas Eve, will we welcome Christmas morning with visions of sugar plums dancing in our heads or will we usher in the day with praise and thanksgiving--focusing on what we can give to the Lord, not what He can give to us?
This Christmas, before opening any presents, lets open our hearts to Jesus like never before. Lets present our bodies as living sacrifices unto Him and allow Him to order our steps in His Word. If we've in any way allowed ourselves to get off track this year, let the celebration of Christ's birth be a time for our rebirth. Let's mark the 12 days of Christmas by taking at least one step toward our destiny each day, moving beyond our past, our pain, our failures, even our successes. Start tonight with a new prayer. Send an encouraging e-mail to a friend--or to an enemy! Read a devotional. Watch an inspiring program. Whatever your fresh start entails, allow 12-12-12 to be the alarm bell that says, let's start living well.
Rev. Karen
People are fascinated by unique combinations of numbers. In fact, many people chose to get married today because of the rarity of today's date. If they made a point to get married today, I'm sure some of them decided to go all the way and get married guessed it,12:12pm.
Twelve is actually quite a special number. There are 12 hours on a clock, and every 12 hours the time changes from night to day and vice versa. There are 12 items in a dozen, 12 inches in a foot and 12 months in a year. A jury consists of 12 persons. I read an interesting MSN article that explained how the number 12 is a unique number mathematically because it breaks down into halves, thirds, fourths, sixths and twelfths.
Biblically, twelve is also special because there were 12 disciples, 12 gates to the city, 12 tribes of Israel, and after suffering for 12 years, a woman was healed from an issue of blood-- a healing that took place while Jesus was on His way to heal a 12-year-old girl whom He raised from the dead. After Jesus performed a miracle by feeding the multitudes with fish and loaves there were 12 baskets filled with leftovers. I could provide "dozens" more examples, but I think you get the picture. The number 12 has great significance and is more prominent in our lives then we realize.
How appropriate that in this special month, the 12 month, we would celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Scholars may continue to debate whether December 25 is the actual birth date of Christ. But, there is no debate that He was born, lived and died over 2000 years ago. His life and death are not only matters of faith, but they are matters of historical record.
It is quite amazing that Christians throughout the entire world all agreed to celebrate Christ's birth on the same day in the same month. It's hard enough to get 12 people to unanimously agree on anything, let alone dozens and dozens of people all throughout the world. The level of worldwide agreement that it took to settle on December 25 as the day to celebrate Christ's birth is reason enough to celebrate because that depth of agreement is truly a miracle!
As this day draws to a close, and as this year draws to a close, I challenge you to look back over the past twelve months and find at least one miraculous thing God did for you. Even if you have had a tough and challenging year, if you reflect deeply enough, you will see moments where God either calmed the storm or calmed you and carried you through the storm. If you think about it, there were times throughout the year when you were almost down to the midnight hour and God came through, or even if He didn't come through the way you expected, today you are still able to stand because you are on the other side of through.
Twelve days from now will be Christmas Eve. When the clock strikes 12 at midnight on Christmas Eve, will we welcome Christmas morning with visions of sugar plums dancing in our heads or will we usher in the day with praise and thanksgiving--focusing on what we can give to the Lord, not what He can give to us?
This Christmas, before opening any presents, lets open our hearts to Jesus like never before. Lets present our bodies as living sacrifices unto Him and allow Him to order our steps in His Word. If we've in any way allowed ourselves to get off track this year, let the celebration of Christ's birth be a time for our rebirth. Let's mark the 12 days of Christmas by taking at least one step toward our destiny each day, moving beyond our past, our pain, our failures, even our successes. Start tonight with a new prayer. Send an encouraging e-mail to a friend--or to an enemy! Read a devotional. Watch an inspiring program. Whatever your fresh start entails, allow 12-12-12 to be the alarm bell that says, let's start living well.
Rev. Karen
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
THAT'S My Story--And I'm Sticking With It!
The District of Columbia Baptist Convention (DCBC) held its 136th annual meeting this week. The theme of this year's convention was, "A Story to Tell."
I have attended a number of DCBC meetings over the years, and I must say that this year's gathering topped any that I have attended before. This year I learned more about our story as a convention than I had ever known before and what I learned made me proud to be a part of DCBC.
I learned that our story includes educational pioneers like Luther Rice, who not only has a DCBC church named after him, but who also founded the college that is now known as George Washington University.
I already knew about another great educator, Nannie Helen Burroughs, who founded a school for African-American girls, a school that still exists today. But, I didn't know that her story included membership at the Nineteenth Street Baptist Church, a prominent DCBC church.
I was thrilled to learn that our story includes ministering to children in need as far back as the War of 1812 when countless children were orphaned. I was excited when I heard that our story also includes the fact that we are the most diverse convention in the nation. That diversity was reflected this week during our convention as men and women from different ethnic backgrounds and even different Baptist conventions led in worship which featured a diverse array of music.
Back at my home church, during Bible study tonight, my husband challenged all of us to ask God to reveal our mission in life. As I reflected on what I experienced during the convention this week, I would dare say that our mission is our story, for whatever it is we have been created and called to do is that which defines who we are and tells the story about where we are headed.
I heartily commend the DCBC staff for digging deep and bringing forth elements of our convention's story that had either been buried, forgotten or minimized. I also commend them for planning a great program, but still leaving room for God-- to the extent that what appeared to be an inadvertent 2-hour gap between sessions was revealed to be a divinely appointed opportunity for God to birth new ministries and forge new friendships and alliances that will keep our story moving forward and not just anchored in our past.
We left the convention recharged and energized as never before, ready to live out the next chapter in our convention's evolving story. How about you? Have you forgotten that the mere fact that you are still here means your story is still unfolding? Have you considered that the rough season you may be experiencing is merely a chapter or two in your story but not the entire story. Most importantly, have you remained focused on the fact that, regardless of what happens in the middle of your story, in the end, you win! (Sorry to spoil the ending for those of you who weren't so sure how the story was going to end!)
If you don't know your story, if you don't know your mission and purpose in life, interrupt your regularly scheduled program and seek God for clarity on your story. You may find that what you have been living is not your real story after all. Once God reveals His great and awesome plan for you, you will be able to say with confidence, "THAT's" my story, and I'm sticking with it!"
Rev. Karen
I have attended a number of DCBC meetings over the years, and I must say that this year's gathering topped any that I have attended before. This year I learned more about our story as a convention than I had ever known before and what I learned made me proud to be a part of DCBC.
I learned that our story includes educational pioneers like Luther Rice, who not only has a DCBC church named after him, but who also founded the college that is now known as George Washington University.
I already knew about another great educator, Nannie Helen Burroughs, who founded a school for African-American girls, a school that still exists today. But, I didn't know that her story included membership at the Nineteenth Street Baptist Church, a prominent DCBC church.
I was thrilled to learn that our story includes ministering to children in need as far back as the War of 1812 when countless children were orphaned. I was excited when I heard that our story also includes the fact that we are the most diverse convention in the nation. That diversity was reflected this week during our convention as men and women from different ethnic backgrounds and even different Baptist conventions led in worship which featured a diverse array of music.
Back at my home church, during Bible study tonight, my husband challenged all of us to ask God to reveal our mission in life. As I reflected on what I experienced during the convention this week, I would dare say that our mission is our story, for whatever it is we have been created and called to do is that which defines who we are and tells the story about where we are headed.
I heartily commend the DCBC staff for digging deep and bringing forth elements of our convention's story that had either been buried, forgotten or minimized. I also commend them for planning a great program, but still leaving room for God-- to the extent that what appeared to be an inadvertent 2-hour gap between sessions was revealed to be a divinely appointed opportunity for God to birth new ministries and forge new friendships and alliances that will keep our story moving forward and not just anchored in our past.
We left the convention recharged and energized as never before, ready to live out the next chapter in our convention's evolving story. How about you? Have you forgotten that the mere fact that you are still here means your story is still unfolding? Have you considered that the rough season you may be experiencing is merely a chapter or two in your story but not the entire story. Most importantly, have you remained focused on the fact that, regardless of what happens in the middle of your story, in the end, you win! (Sorry to spoil the ending for those of you who weren't so sure how the story was going to end!)
If you don't know your story, if you don't know your mission and purpose in life, interrupt your regularly scheduled program and seek God for clarity on your story. You may find that what you have been living is not your real story after all. Once God reveals His great and awesome plan for you, you will be able to say with confidence, "THAT's" my story, and I'm sticking with it!"
Rev. Karen
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Is Powerball All Powerful?
We are only hours away from finding out if anyone won the ridiculously massive Powerball jackpot. Even those of us who don't play the lottery have been forced to pay attention to what's going on as the news reports about Powerball have been mounting up almost as much as the jackpot.
While the news reports hype up the potential winnings on one hand, on the other hand they provide a truly sobering reality check regarding the odds of actually winning the jackpot. An NBC news story indicated that the odds of winning the Powerball jackpot are 1 in 175,223,510, "to be precise -- less than the odds of someone becoming president of the United States or being born with an extra finger or toe."
Well, those odds weren't so discouraging for President Obama--I wonder how the odds stacked up for him not only becoming President but the first African-American to become president--and my cousin grew up with a friend known as "E.T." which stood for "extra toe."
Maybe since I live on the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue, which is essentially the same street where our President and Odds-Breaker-in-Chief lives, and since I know someone who knows someone with an extra toe, maybe my odds of winning are greater than average!
That's just the kind of hope that has fueled the Powerball jackpot, and as tempting as it is, I will continue to place my hope on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness. Sure, I'd love to have enough money to never have to worry about money, but the Holy Spirit reminds me that I already have unlimited resources because I am a child of the King. I can recall story after story of how God allowed me to go places, meet people and obtain or do things that were far beyond my financial resources but well within God's purview since the earth is Lord's and the fullness thereof. Plus, God's gifts add no sorrow. God's gifts provide sweet sleep. God's gifts bring people together instead of driving them apart.
As many people have learned the hard way, money can buy a whole lot of things, but not everything and not the things that matter most like love, peace and joy. Time after time we have heard that many lottery winners' lives are far worse after winning than before. Money doesn't solve problems, and too often it simply attracts problems or amplifies what's already lurking underneath.
Just imagine what our communities would be like if, instead of expending money on gambling, those same individuals put those funds toward improving our schools and fighting hunger and homelessness. Some may already give to charity, and some money from gambling supposedly makes its way toward communities and schools, but only after the majority has been used to provide profit and cover expenses.
What would life be like if we were all as committed to pooling our resources to provide spiritual, emotional, economic and physical nourishment, things that are lacking in too many families today? Some of us refuse to see tithing as worship and severely underestimate the value of supporting the Church and those who feed our bodies and our souls. Yet we will faithfully sow seed in the Powerball jackpot which could be viewed as a form of worship--of self and money.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not condemning those who have their fingers, eyes and toes (all 10 or more of them) crossed in hopes of winning today's jackpot. I pray that someone will win who will do good for others and themselves with the winnings. But I also pray that we will not be more committed Powerball than we are to God. I pray that we will be just as willing to share with others about our hopes and prayers that we have submitted to God as we are to share about our "lucky number combinations," near wins and jackpot dreams.
I pray that, regardless of all the hype, we will recognize that Powerball is not all powerful, for God is the only One who bears that title.
Rev. Karen
While the news reports hype up the potential winnings on one hand, on the other hand they provide a truly sobering reality check regarding the odds of actually winning the jackpot. An NBC news story indicated that the odds of winning the Powerball jackpot are 1 in 175,223,510, "to be precise -- less than the odds of someone becoming president of the United States or being born with an extra finger or toe."
Well, those odds weren't so discouraging for President Obama--I wonder how the odds stacked up for him not only becoming President but the first African-American to become president--and my cousin grew up with a friend known as "E.T." which stood for "extra toe."
Maybe since I live on the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue, which is essentially the same street where our President and Odds-Breaker-in-Chief lives, and since I know someone who knows someone with an extra toe, maybe my odds of winning are greater than average!
That's just the kind of hope that has fueled the Powerball jackpot, and as tempting as it is, I will continue to place my hope on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness. Sure, I'd love to have enough money to never have to worry about money, but the Holy Spirit reminds me that I already have unlimited resources because I am a child of the King. I can recall story after story of how God allowed me to go places, meet people and obtain or do things that were far beyond my financial resources but well within God's purview since the earth is Lord's and the fullness thereof. Plus, God's gifts add no sorrow. God's gifts provide sweet sleep. God's gifts bring people together instead of driving them apart.
As many people have learned the hard way, money can buy a whole lot of things, but not everything and not the things that matter most like love, peace and joy. Time after time we have heard that many lottery winners' lives are far worse after winning than before. Money doesn't solve problems, and too often it simply attracts problems or amplifies what's already lurking underneath.
Just imagine what our communities would be like if, instead of expending money on gambling, those same individuals put those funds toward improving our schools and fighting hunger and homelessness. Some may already give to charity, and some money from gambling supposedly makes its way toward communities and schools, but only after the majority has been used to provide profit and cover expenses.
What would life be like if we were all as committed to pooling our resources to provide spiritual, emotional, economic and physical nourishment, things that are lacking in too many families today? Some of us refuse to see tithing as worship and severely underestimate the value of supporting the Church and those who feed our bodies and our souls. Yet we will faithfully sow seed in the Powerball jackpot which could be viewed as a form of worship--of self and money.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not condemning those who have their fingers, eyes and toes (all 10 or more of them) crossed in hopes of winning today's jackpot. I pray that someone will win who will do good for others and themselves with the winnings. But I also pray that we will not be more committed Powerball than we are to God. I pray that we will be just as willing to share with others about our hopes and prayers that we have submitted to God as we are to share about our "lucky number combinations," near wins and jackpot dreams.
I pray that, regardless of all the hype, we will recognize that Powerball is not all powerful, for God is the only One who bears that title.
Rev. Karen
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Thankful .... More or Less
Tomorrow is least that's what the calendar says.
Even though tomorrow is designated the official day to be thankful, if we are honest about it, some days it's difficult to be thankful regardless of what the calendar says, especially since our materialistic society often measures reasons to be thankful by how many things we have acquired. It seems the more we have, the more thankful we are, and the less we have, the less thankful we are...that is, until we get more. Then, we're more thankful.
But when is "more" enough?
I'm in a season where less is more and I'm being taught to appreciate the daily bread God provides. It's not a comfortable place because I keep longing for more so that I can have enough to not only meet my needs but, a little bit...more.
It seems no matter what blessing comes my way, something else rises up right behind it and I end up with just enough to take care of the unexpected issue, but nothing more.
Before some of you begin musing like Job's friends over what I have or haven't done, I don't believe my actions are the driving force behind the season I'm in. I tithe, give offerings, worship faithfully, study pray, etc. etc., and "have kept all these things since my youth." I even "gave all I had for the poor" (Matthew 19:20-21) when I gave up a high-paying job to minister and work in a neighborhood where people were hurting and in turn, hurting each other to the extent that it had been tagged, "Murder Row."
The reason for my season is that God is refining me for further use. Words like "refining" sound so noble and unassuming, until we really stop to think about the real meaning. To refine something means to subject it to a rigorous process that will draw out all of the impurities. The finished product is outstanding, but it's not a day at the park for the subject of the refinement process.
I guess it was inevitable that I would enter into the refiner's fire since my name, Karen, means "pure." Any purity in me is certainly not inherent and therefore, could only be attained through refinement.
So, since less is what I have more of these days, I'm learning to be more thankful for less. I am thankful that I had a successful in-and-out surgical procedure to remove a benign cyst that was near my breast tissue. Although it was benign, there is a strong history of breast cancer in my family, and having the cyst removed is one less thing to worry about, and therefore one more thing to be thankful for.
Since losing my job due to downsizing, I have had much less income, but I have had far more time than I ever would have had-- time that enabled me to do things like nurse my ailing mom back to health. Last year at this time she was critically ill and had to move in with my family so I could care for her. This year, she is back in her own home and healthier than ever -- one less person in my home, but much more praise and thanksgiving for my mom's restored health.
I'm not sure how long my refinement process will last, but, one thing's for sure--I certainly have less time to be in it than when I began! And, now that I have recognized it for what it is and learned to stop resisting it, I am becoming more of who God made me and less of who I thought I was or needed to be. For that, I am truly thankful.
Happy Thanksgiving and BNcouraged!
Rev. Karen
Even though tomorrow is designated the official day to be thankful, if we are honest about it, some days it's difficult to be thankful regardless of what the calendar says, especially since our materialistic society often measures reasons to be thankful by how many things we have acquired. It seems the more we have, the more thankful we are, and the less we have, the less thankful we are...that is, until we get more. Then, we're more thankful.
But when is "more" enough?
I'm in a season where less is more and I'm being taught to appreciate the daily bread God provides. It's not a comfortable place because I keep longing for more so that I can have enough to not only meet my needs but, a little bit...more.
It seems no matter what blessing comes my way, something else rises up right behind it and I end up with just enough to take care of the unexpected issue, but nothing more.
Before some of you begin musing like Job's friends over what I have or haven't done, I don't believe my actions are the driving force behind the season I'm in. I tithe, give offerings, worship faithfully, study pray, etc. etc., and "have kept all these things since my youth." I even "gave all I had for the poor" (Matthew 19:20-21) when I gave up a high-paying job to minister and work in a neighborhood where people were hurting and in turn, hurting each other to the extent that it had been tagged, "Murder Row."
The reason for my season is that God is refining me for further use. Words like "refining" sound so noble and unassuming, until we really stop to think about the real meaning. To refine something means to subject it to a rigorous process that will draw out all of the impurities. The finished product is outstanding, but it's not a day at the park for the subject of the refinement process.
I guess it was inevitable that I would enter into the refiner's fire since my name, Karen, means "pure." Any purity in me is certainly not inherent and therefore, could only be attained through refinement.
So, since less is what I have more of these days, I'm learning to be more thankful for less. I am thankful that I had a successful in-and-out surgical procedure to remove a benign cyst that was near my breast tissue. Although it was benign, there is a strong history of breast cancer in my family, and having the cyst removed is one less thing to worry about, and therefore one more thing to be thankful for.
Since losing my job due to downsizing, I have had much less income, but I have had far more time than I ever would have had-- time that enabled me to do things like nurse my ailing mom back to health. Last year at this time she was critically ill and had to move in with my family so I could care for her. This year, she is back in her own home and healthier than ever -- one less person in my home, but much more praise and thanksgiving for my mom's restored health.
I'm not sure how long my refinement process will last, but, one thing's for sure--I certainly have less time to be in it than when I began! And, now that I have recognized it for what it is and learned to stop resisting it, I am becoming more of who God made me and less of who I thought I was or needed to be. For that, I am truly thankful.
Happy Thanksgiving and BNcouraged!
Rev. Karen
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Cast Your Ballot for (and your cares on) Him!
A week ago this time we were all recovering from what seemed to be the longest, most wearisome campaign in history. In the final weeks leading up to last Tuesday's election, some of us completely sympathized with the little girl on the YouTube video who was brought to tears by the barrage of campaign ads.
Well, the election is over. We have a President in the White House; a few new faces joining the familiar faces in leadership at the state levels; a few racist faces rearing their ugly heads at all levels (party loyalty is one thing, deep-seated hatred and racism are another); and a Savior who is still on the throne and Lord over all.
While some of us are glad the election is over, others were so consumed by it that they don't know what to do with themselves now that there are no more rallies to attend, phone calls to make, or yard signs to post. Here's a thought. What would our country look like if we directed the passion we felt for or against the Presidential candidates toward the campaign that really matters most? What would our country be like if those of us who bear the title of Christians expressed our allegiance by putting our financial and emotional resources toward prominently displaying the Word of God throughout our communities like the campaign signs that were sprawled across every open space?
It would look like The Campaign 4 Jesus Foundation, a non-profit organization established to place scripture and scripture-based messages on buses, bus stops, metro trains, billboards and everywhere else ad space is available. The intent is to allow God's Word to be a light in our city in a time when so many are hurting, spiritually malnourished, and in need of a life-changing Word. God's Word is sharper than any two-edged sword and has the power to cut through even the hardest of hearts and to soothe any sin-sick soul.
Please take a moment to view another sneak peak of The First Lady's SHHOW! which features my interview with Carol Harris, founder of the Campaign 4 Jesus Foundation. The vision God has given her is so clear and so direct that I pray you will be led to cast your ballot and your support for the Campaign 4 Jesus....
Visit the Campaign 4 Jesus at
Rev. Karen
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Make Your Election Sure
I voted!
I voted for Justice for the oppressed. I voted for Peace. I voted for fair Taxes. I voted for a Future and a Hope. Yes, I did my civic duty and cast a ballot
for the candidate of my choice for the office of The President of the United
States of America—the candidate I believed would come the closest to delivering
those things I voted for. But even more important than the vote for President,
I voted to pledge my continued allegiance to God the Father, God the Son and
God the Holy Ghost, for God is the only one able to fully deliver all of the
things I voted for, and then some.
The opportunity to vote for a President comes around once
every four years. But the responsibility
to elect to live as a Christian is an everyday commitment. When it comes to politics, some of us lay
aside our long-held Biblical values in exchange for being “politically
correct.” And, if our candidate or party
of choice does not come out on top, some of us even lay down our commitment to God
and country and actively work against those in power as a form of rebellion and
protest. Whatever happened to “In God We
Regardless of who does or does not do what they promised to do, we must continue to trust God and behave in the manner in which He has called us. Peter admonishes us. "Therefore, my brothers, be all the more eager to make your calling and election sure. For if you do these things, you will never fall." (2 Peter 1:10)
Not only do some of us Christians lay our values down when
it comes to politics, some of our elected leaders do it, as well. That is one
of the main reasons we need to pray for those in authority. It is often
extremely difficult for them to withstand the pressure of yielding to popular
opinion, especially since they owe their very offices to the populace.
Unlike politicians, we don’t owe our lives to the
populace. We owe our lives to Jesus
Christ, who laid down His life for ours. And, even though the Presidential election is over, we ought to be continually campaigning
for Jesus. A woman in my congregation
has committed her life to doing just that. Tune in next week for another sneak
preview of The First Lady’s SHHOW! (Spirit-filled Hilarious Hour Of Worship!) which will feature an interview with Carol
Harris, founder of The Campaign for Jesus Foundation. It’s a campaign we all can join and one in
which everyone is a winner!
See you next week. Until then,
Rev. Karen
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
The Difference One Makes
There are so many people who are hurting and in need around the world that sometimes those of us in ministry and service professions wonder if we ever make a difference.
Poverty, violence, oppression and injustice are systemic issues and are definitely difficult cycles to break. But, whenever we have the chance to lift the spirits of someone who is suffering, we should seize the moment. And if the Lord places us in a position to not only lift their spirits but give them the tools that will help lift them out of their situation so they can move forward, we ought to seize that moment, too.
Today's First Lady's SHHOW! features my interview with Pastor Alexandra Zanon who is providing much-needed sanctuary to those who live in the shadows beneath the splash and flash of the sunshine state of Florida. She's only one person, but through the power of God, the love of Jesus Christ and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, she exemplifies the difference ONE makes....
Pastor Alex's book, "You are Royalty" will be available on in December. You may contact Pastor Alex directly at or visit her on the web at
Thanks for watching and tell a friend to tune in! Allow the Lord to let you make a difference by sharing this interview with someone who needs to know that they can do all things through Christ, who gives them strength!
Rev. Karen
Poverty, violence, oppression and injustice are systemic issues and are definitely difficult cycles to break. But, whenever we have the chance to lift the spirits of someone who is suffering, we should seize the moment. And if the Lord places us in a position to not only lift their spirits but give them the tools that will help lift them out of their situation so they can move forward, we ought to seize that moment, too.
Today's First Lady's SHHOW! features my interview with Pastor Alexandra Zanon who is providing much-needed sanctuary to those who live in the shadows beneath the splash and flash of the sunshine state of Florida. She's only one person, but through the power of God, the love of Jesus Christ and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, she exemplifies the difference ONE makes....
Videography by: Maritza Lovett
Pastor Alex's book, "You are Royalty" will be available on in December. You may contact Pastor Alex directly at or visit her on the web at
Thanks for watching and tell a friend to tune in! Allow the Lord to let you make a difference by sharing this interview with someone who needs to know that they can do all things through Christ, who gives them strength!
Rev. Karen
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
What's in Your Cup?
Too many of us are running on empty because we keep filling ourselves with the wrong things. Like the woman at the well, we still have not figured out that what we're truly thirsting for cannot be quenched by anything we can pour into our cups. The substance of our thirst -- thirst for meaning in life, for satisfaction, for peace, for joy --comes from a deep place within us and thus, can only be satisfied from a source that goes far deeper than us.
Today's edition of The First Lady's SHHOW! features an interview with author Dr. Sherry Scott about her book, which has an intriguing title that addresses this challenge head on....
Dr. Scott's book is available at:, or you can do a Google search for it.
Be sure to watch Dr. Scott's cable television program, "Faith Walk" on Comcast and enjoy her blog at
Also make plans to attend an uplifting one-day event co-sponsored by Dr. Scott:
Today's edition of The First Lady's SHHOW! features an interview with author Dr. Sherry Scott about her book, which has an intriguing title that addresses this challenge head on....
Videography by Maritza Lovett:
Be sure to watch Dr. Scott's cable television program, "Faith Walk" on Comcast and enjoy her blog at
Also make plans to attend an uplifting one-day event co-sponsored by Dr. Scott:
Saturday November 17TH 2012
You are invited to enjoy an uplifting one-day:
Dynamic Guest Speakers for morning and afternoon
Workshop Sessions
Artists in Ministry Items Showcase
Dynamic Evening Concert
Special Guest Artists
Sponsored by:
Inspiring Melodies Inc & SOAR Ministries Inc
You must register to attend
For more information call: 703-341-9391
Thanks for watching! Please spread the word about the SHHOW! Contact me at for information on sponsorship opportunities for the SHHOW or for speaking engagements at your next worship service or retreat.
Rev. Karen
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
The First Lady's SHHOW!.... "Hey Ma'! "
Hello, Family and Friends!
Welcome to another sneak preview of the First Lady's SHHOW! If you missed last week's blog, read below for a little explanation of what's going on. Those of you who already know the score can simply scroll past this next section:
We interrupt your regularly scheduled blog this week (and for the next few weeks) to bring you a sampling of a new program I am producing entitled, "The First Lady's SHHOW!"
No, there's no typo in the word, SHHOW. It's actually an acronym for:
Spirit-filled Hilarious Hour Of Worship.
The samples you will watch are not an hour, they're only about 2-4 minutes long. Eventually, when the whole program is is in full production, you will be able to enjoy an hour-long show that will minister to the entire family by combining elements reminiscent of the Carol Burnett show, the Tonight Show and Saturday Night Live. There will be improvisational/comedic skits, musical guests, on-the-street interviews, as well as interviews guessed it First Ladies! It's good, clean family fun with a little something for everyone!
Today's SHHOW! segment features my 70-year-old mother, Dorothy Whitney sharing her wisdom in response to the question of the day. After watching Mom's 2-minute interview, be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom to see a commercial spot.
I thought it would be great to feature my mom this month because October is recognized as National Breast Cancer Awareness month, and praise God, my mom has overcome breast cancer and many other health challenges. Last year about this time she encountered some serious health emergencies and we are just so thrilled that the Lord saw fit to heal her and allow her to see her 7oth birthday this year. We celebrated her big day on September 10th with a surprise birthday party here in DC--her first birthday party ever--and followed up with a trip to the beach in Duck, North Carolina in the Outer Banks.
One of the things I love most about my Mom is her ability to be funny without trying. Her facial expressions, Freudian slips and other subtle actions are endearing and humorous and have brought me much joy over the years--often to her surprise. My interview segment with her is entitled, "Hey Ma'!" and will be a recurring feature of the SHHOW! so that you too can delight in her wisdom and humor. Enjoy!
Interview with Rev. Karen's 70-year-old mother,
Dorothy Whitney, in the beautiful town of Duck, North Carolina.
Special thanks to my camerawoman and cheerleader:
Maritza Lovett
President , Digital Studio Display
Web Services | Photographer | Section 508 Compliance Specialist
Phone: 571-271-2094
Also, since the Presidential election is only weeks away, please enjoy a commercial break featuring yours truly and my son along with another actor in a New Mexico state commercial about voting:
Contact Rev. Karen at to inquire about sponsorship opportunities for the SHHOW! or to arrange for Rev. Karen to speak at your next worship service or retreat. Also ask about personalized poems developed just for you or someone special!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Introducing...The First Lady's SHHOW! Tune in now...
Hello, Family and Friends!
We interrupt your regularly scheduled blog this week (and for the next few weeks) to bring you a sampling of a new program I am producing entitled, "The First Lady's SHHOW!"
No, there's no typo in the word, SHHOW. It's actually an acronym for:
The samples you will watch are not an hour, they're only about 4 minutes long. Eventually, when the whole program is is in full production, you will be able to enjoy an hour-long show that will minister to the entire family by combining elements reminiscent of the Carol Burnett show, the Tonight Show and Saturday Night Live. There will be improvisational/comedic skits, musical guests, on-the-street interviews, as well as interviews guessed it First Ladies! It's good, clean family fun with a little something for everyone!
Although I have certainly been inspired by all of the television shows I mentioned above, the real inspiration for The First Lady's SHHOW! comes from the Holy Spirit, so as it entertains, it will also minister, touching the hearts of viewers at a deeper level.
I will be interviewing women from churches, universities, political arenas -- prayerfully even the White House!-- who hold the official title of "First Lady," to provide a unique opportunity for us to get to know more about the tremendous women beside the leaders in our country. We will also feature women who are either firsts in their field or are in some way pioneering.
I earnestly enlist your prayers and support as I launch out in faith for this endeavor. There are also sponsorship opportunities for those of you who would like to help bring this God-sent vision into fruition. Contact me at to inquire about sponsorship.
Since October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, my first guest is Michele Jones, author and founder of the Time To Fly Foundation which helps abused women and children regain their God-given worth and move forward from victim to victory. Michele's book, Your Call to Freedom is available in English and Spanish. It's an interactive guidebook with Bible-based tools to heal from an abusive relationship. It's also available as an E-book. Visit Barnes and Nobles at
If you or someone you know is suffering in silence, suffer no longer. God has heard your prayers and seen your tears. Help is only a confidential phone call away. Time To Fly offers powerful free sessions and introductory workshops. Call 1-877-570-9488 or visit for more information. Also, register now for their 11th Annual Gala and fundraiser on Saturday, October 27 at the Westfields Marriott in Chantilly, Va. An exciting evening is in store, featuring internationally-renowned pianist Dr. Adlan Cruz and guest speaker Bill Paige from Young Life Ministries. Details are on the website.
Without further delay, here's a sneek peak of The First Lady's SHHOW!
Rev. Karen
We interrupt your regularly scheduled blog this week (and for the next few weeks) to bring you a sampling of a new program I am producing entitled, "The First Lady's SHHOW!"
No, there's no typo in the word, SHHOW. It's actually an acronym for:
Spirit-filled Hilarious Hour Of Worship.
The samples you will watch are not an hour, they're only about 4 minutes long. Eventually, when the whole program is is in full production, you will be able to enjoy an hour-long show that will minister to the entire family by combining elements reminiscent of the Carol Burnett show, the Tonight Show and Saturday Night Live. There will be improvisational/comedic skits, musical guests, on-the-street interviews, as well as interviews guessed it First Ladies! It's good, clean family fun with a little something for everyone!
Although I have certainly been inspired by all of the television shows I mentioned above, the real inspiration for The First Lady's SHHOW! comes from the Holy Spirit, so as it entertains, it will also minister, touching the hearts of viewers at a deeper level.
I will be interviewing women from churches, universities, political arenas -- prayerfully even the White House!-- who hold the official title of "First Lady," to provide a unique opportunity for us to get to know more about the tremendous women beside the leaders in our country. We will also feature women who are either firsts in their field or are in some way pioneering.
I earnestly enlist your prayers and support as I launch out in faith for this endeavor. There are also sponsorship opportunities for those of you who would like to help bring this God-sent vision into fruition. Contact me at to inquire about sponsorship.
If you or someone you know is suffering in silence, suffer no longer. God has heard your prayers and seen your tears. Help is only a confidential phone call away. Time To Fly offers powerful free sessions and introductory workshops. Call 1-877-570-9488 or visit for more information. Also, register now for their 11th Annual Gala and fundraiser on Saturday, October 27 at the Westfields Marriott in Chantilly, Va. An exciting evening is in store, featuring internationally-renowned pianist Dr. Adlan Cruz and guest speaker Bill Paige from Young Life Ministries. Details are on the website.
Without further delay, here's a sneek peak of The First Lady's SHHOW!
Rev. Karen
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Make No Debate--It's an Open and Shut Case
Well, tonight's the "big night"--Round 1 of the Presidential debates between President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney.
We are certainly in for an interesting, entertaining, and hopefully informative evening as each man explains why we should vote for him. The debate will cover a wide variety of issues from health care, to the economy, to foreign policy. Each man has a different approach to how these issues should be handled, and thus they will debate with one another over which approach is best. I would like to say, "May the best man win!" But, there is no truly objective way to judge who will "win" the debate since their answers and statements can be somewhat subjective.
For the most part, subjectivity is what allows the "winner" to be determined by how each viewer feels about what happens during the debate. Thankfully, when it comes to God's declarations for us, neither our feelings nor the feelings of others have anything to do with what's true and just.
We can try to debate God, especially when bad things happen to "good" people. But, like Job did, we will find our attempts to debate God futile. The title of a great stage play says it best-- our arms are "too short to box with God." Along those same lines, the apostle Paul raised the question that clarifies why there is no debate with God:
"Who are you, a mere human being, to argue with God? Should the thing that was created say to the one who created it, 'Why have you made me like this?' Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use?" (Romans 9:20-21 New International Version)
God's will for our lives is not subject to our whims. It doesn't matter how we feel about His plans, our job is to trust and obey. When we do, we will find that God's way always turns out best anyway. Sometimes, it seems like the very thing (or person) we desire is poised to come right through the door toward us, and then the door suddenly closes. Or, we may be focused on a certain door determined to make it open through our sheer will, but then another door opens that we hadn't focused on or even noticed.
Rest assured that neither scenario is accidental. The testimony that God is building in us is already and open and shut case. As Revelation 3:7 explains,
"What He opens no one can shut, and what He shuts no one can open."
Let the great minds and great leaders of the world continue debating while those of us who follow the example of Jesus Christ keep our eyes fixed on the one who is "able to keep us from falling...." No, that One will not be appearing on stage with President Obama and Governor Mitt Romney. But He will be appearing in the form of the Holy Spirit to lead us and guide us into all truth regarding how we should cast our vote and how we should live our lives during and in the aftermath of the election.
Regardless of the outcome of the election, it should always be evident that we are Christians because of our love-- for we are commanded to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul and mind, and love our neighbor as ourselves (Matthew 22:37-39). Unlike the issues that will be discussed tonight, God's command is not up for debate.
BNcouraged (and B N prayer during this process!)
Rev. Karen
We are certainly in for an interesting, entertaining, and hopefully informative evening as each man explains why we should vote for him. The debate will cover a wide variety of issues from health care, to the economy, to foreign policy. Each man has a different approach to how these issues should be handled, and thus they will debate with one another over which approach is best. I would like to say, "May the best man win!" But, there is no truly objective way to judge who will "win" the debate since their answers and statements can be somewhat subjective.
For the most part, subjectivity is what allows the "winner" to be determined by how each viewer feels about what happens during the debate. Thankfully, when it comes to God's declarations for us, neither our feelings nor the feelings of others have anything to do with what's true and just.
We can try to debate God, especially when bad things happen to "good" people. But, like Job did, we will find our attempts to debate God futile. The title of a great stage play says it best-- our arms are "too short to box with God." Along those same lines, the apostle Paul raised the question that clarifies why there is no debate with God:
"Who are you, a mere human being, to argue with God? Should the thing that was created say to the one who created it, 'Why have you made me like this?' Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use?" (Romans 9:20-21 New International Version)
God's will for our lives is not subject to our whims. It doesn't matter how we feel about His plans, our job is to trust and obey. When we do, we will find that God's way always turns out best anyway. Sometimes, it seems like the very thing (or person) we desire is poised to come right through the door toward us, and then the door suddenly closes. Or, we may be focused on a certain door determined to make it open through our sheer will, but then another door opens that we hadn't focused on or even noticed.
Rest assured that neither scenario is accidental. The testimony that God is building in us is already and open and shut case. As Revelation 3:7 explains,
"What He opens no one can shut, and what He shuts no one can open."
Let the great minds and great leaders of the world continue debating while those of us who follow the example of Jesus Christ keep our eyes fixed on the one who is "able to keep us from falling...." No, that One will not be appearing on stage with President Obama and Governor Mitt Romney. But He will be appearing in the form of the Holy Spirit to lead us and guide us into all truth regarding how we should cast our vote and how we should live our lives during and in the aftermath of the election.
Regardless of the outcome of the election, it should always be evident that we are Christians because of our love-- for we are commanded to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul and mind, and love our neighbor as ourselves (Matthew 22:37-39). Unlike the issues that will be discussed tonight, God's command is not up for debate.
BNcouraged (and B N prayer during this process!)
Rev. Karen
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Common People
We're hearing a lot in the presidential campaign about promises to look after the common folk, or the middle class, but exactly who is "the middle class"?
Some of us may not think that we are the common folk because we think more highly of ourselves than we ought. Others of us don't see ourselves as middle class because we think too lowly of ourselves based on the world's economic standards.
The good news is, in God's economy, we are all "common folk" and it's nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, Acts 4:32 reminds us that in the early church,
"... the multitude of those who believed were of one heart and one soul; neither did anyone say that any of the things he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common."
Regardless of who promises what on the campaign trail, we must remember that in God's eyes, the ground is level at the cross. Practically, that means those in the higher income brackets should not hoard their gains and shield them from taxes that would help the common folk. Remember, promotion and increase come from the Lord, and His blessings are not limited to the initial recipients. God's blessings are life-giving and forward moving. He blesses us to BE a blessing. Luke 12:28 clearly explains,
"For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more."
We really need to sit with that scripture for a while and allow God's Holy Spirit to lead us and guide us into the truth about God's purpose for our financial "successes" in life. Here's a hint, it's not all about us!
Now, the Bible does say if a man does not work, he should not eat. But if we look at that passage in its fuller context, we'll get a better understanding. Look at 2 Thessalonians 3:10-13:
For even when we were with you, we commanded you this: If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat.
For we hear that there are some who walk among you in a disorderly manner, not working at all, but are busybodies.
Now those who are such we command and exhort through our Lord Jesus Christ that they work in quietness and eat their own bread.
But [as for] you, brethren, do not grow weary [in] doing good.
The last line is what keeps us on the hook when it comes to having all things in common. Yes, those who have been loafing ought to get out and work like everyone else, their charge is clear. But, the charge to those already being productive citizens, "as for you, brethren, do not grow weary in doing good" is also clear. We must continue to do the right thing regardless of what others are doing, because we will each answer to God for our charge, not what has been charged to someone else. That includes doing the right thing by "rendering unto Caesar"(i.e. the Government) what is due even if we don't like or agree with how the money is used. God doesn't need our taxes to supply the needs of others, but we need to be obedient.
Also, we really need to stop carrying on about people not carrying their weight in this country because we all know statistically that those who refuse to work are a small percentage compared to those who are legitimately unemployed and underemployed. Some of the very folks we have the nerve to complain about in terms of receiving assistance are the elderly, disabled and veterans--categories in which we may all find ourselves at some point in life.
We must also keep in mind that in God's economy, having all things in common means that we all meet in the middle. Instead, we are hearing of campaign promises that will essentially take from the middle to sustain an upper class.
Earlier in the week,Washington Post reporter Ezra Klein blogged about how one campaign promise had been labeled "not mathematically possible" by the non-partisan Tax Policy Center run by one of George W. Bush's top economists. He cited another Harvard study by economist Martin Feldstein that explained how that same campaign promise would actually raise taxes on the middle class to pay for a big tax cut for people making more than $250,000, not lower them as the candidate would want us to believe.
Earlier in the week,Washington Post reporter Ezra Klein blogged about how one campaign promise had been labeled "not mathematically possible" by the non-partisan Tax Policy Center run by one of George W. Bush's top economists. He cited another Harvard study by economist Martin Feldstein that explained how that same campaign promise would actually raise taxes on the middle class to pay for a big tax cut for people making more than $250,000, not lower them as the candidate would want us to believe.
God is watching how we all respond to our individual and collective economic conditions. And, not only is God watching us, God expects us to be watching Him during this time. Our faith must be in God, not in political candidates and certainly not in our bank accounts--whether they be full or empty.
Jesus came to show us the way to eternal life, and to show us how we are to live in this life. He became a "commoner" and walked with us to illustrate that God wants us to walk with one another, not above and not below.
Rev. Karen
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Standing on Shaky Ground
"If you see the poor oppressed in a district, and justice and rights denied, do not be surprised at such things; for one official is eyed by a higher one, and over them both are others higher still." (Ecclesiastes 5:8)
"Because of the oppression of the weak and the groaning of the needy, I will now arise," says the LORD. "I will protect them from those who malign them." (Psalms 12:5)
The upcoming Presidential election has generated more furor than I recall seeing in previous elections. Attacks and counterattacks are bursting forth and popping off like a never-ending fireworks display. Regardless of who will fill the Office of the President of the United States in January 2013, ultimately God is still in control and there will be some things we will like about the direction we will be led in, and some we will not--even if our candidate of choice fills the seat.
As people of faith, we must remember that we are electing politicians, not pastors. Certainly we must vote carefully and prayerfully, but we have to remain grounded about what is really going on and not be swayed by misplaced expectations. God does not need our political system to accomplish his Kingdom agenda. And, nothing that happens or doesn't happen at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue gets us off the hook from carrying out our God-given directives--even if it becomes difficult for us to do so.
Essentially, the choice comes down to this, we can have someone in office who emphasizes equity for all people and freedom for all individuals--with an over-emphasis on freedom by declaring that people are free to do that which God says they are not. In this scenario, regardless of what any man declares we are free to do, those of us who answer to God as our final authority must decide if we will follow the "freedoms" of man's law or submit to the authority of God's law.
Or we can choose someone who unapologetically maligns the poor and makes light of the oppressed--one who will fight to save the unborn, but then patronize or disregard the lives of certain groups once they are born; one who declares his concern for all Americans, but whose declaration has demonstrated no depth and a stony interior:
And some fell on stony ground, where it had not much earth; and immediately it sprang up, because it had no depth of earth.... (Mark 4:5)
Perhaps the stony hearts of those who are desperately seeking the White House would be softened by spending time with the poor and lowly, like some persons did on reality shows like Secret Millionaire and Undercover Boss. Perhaps the stony hearts would actually melt if those individuals went deep undercover and altered their skin pigment to live as a person of color as white journalist John Howard Griffin did in 1961, a troubling journey he recounted in his book, Black Like Me.
In each of these instances, the individuals who availed themselves to truly and thoroughly walk in the shoes of people whose reality was miles apart from anything they could ever theorize came out of the experience with their eyes and hearts opened.
I recall one episode of Secret Millionaire in which a millionaire was given meager funds to subsist on and stayed in a rundown duplex alongside those in the poor neighborhood where the filming took place. For the first time he realized how difficult it was to afford anything healthy to eat and how stressful it was to live in dangerous and dilapidated surroundings--both of which affected his quality of sleep, energy level, and ability to focus on his daily tasks. Of course, he was only there a few days, but imagine growing up every day in a poor, crime-filled neighborhood with schools lacking in resources while the school of hard knocks is never lacking in drugs or assault weapons (which, by the way, are imported into the neighborhood by a hierarchy of individuals whose top rung extends far beyond the residents who use them--but that's another blog).
Certainly, there are many families and individuals who are succeeding in life, and there are far more success stories in the minority populations than we are led to believe. There are also numerous success stories of individuals who made it out of dire circumstances and are doing quite well. But, there are still too many Americans who are left behind in a country that is supposed to be leading the world.
I have worked in one of the most challenged inner-city schools in the nation's capital, and I can tell you first-hand that "separate but unequal" still exists for too many children today. The policies and perspectives of those we put in leadership have a direct impact on whether things will change or remain the same.
It is disappointing to see politicians tread on shaky ground by characterizing a high percentage of Americans as deadbeats with a victim mentality. Apparently they have conveniently forgotten about the racial brutality and corporate greed that have been unsightly but all too real threads in the fabric of our being as a nation. Such individuals are standing on shaky ground when they insist on standing their ground by maligning hard-working people who pay their fair share of taxes and, when possible, enjoy their fair share of income tax breaks as allowed by law.
It's fine to stand your ground when you're standing on solid ground, or even better, holy ground. But when the ground you are standing on is shaped by a myopic reality that is signified by those in your own "amen corner"--a $50,000/a plate "amen corner"--you've gone beyond shaky ground and into sinking sand.
The scripture is replete with references to the poor and oppressed, two words which are often found together because of the relationship between oppression and poverty. Sure, there are people who are poor because of their own poor decisions, but there are far more who are poor due to being marginalized by those in power.
"Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy. Deliver the poor and needy: rid [them] out of the hand of the wicked." (Psalm 82:3-4)
Because the ground is level at the cross, it stands to reason that God would want us, as His ambassadors, to level the playing field in all aspects of life. Plus, it's probably better for us to proactively level the playing field rather than leaving it to God. For, if we refuse to help our brother up, God just may decide to bring us down.
Rev. Karen
Contact Rev. Karen at to speak at your next service or retreat.
Ask about personalized poems or raps as a unique gift for someone special!
"Because of the oppression of the weak and the groaning of the needy, I will now arise," says the LORD. "I will protect them from those who malign them." (Psalms 12:5)
The upcoming Presidential election has generated more furor than I recall seeing in previous elections. Attacks and counterattacks are bursting forth and popping off like a never-ending fireworks display. Regardless of who will fill the Office of the President of the United States in January 2013, ultimately God is still in control and there will be some things we will like about the direction we will be led in, and some we will not--even if our candidate of choice fills the seat.
As people of faith, we must remember that we are electing politicians, not pastors. Certainly we must vote carefully and prayerfully, but we have to remain grounded about what is really going on and not be swayed by misplaced expectations. God does not need our political system to accomplish his Kingdom agenda. And, nothing that happens or doesn't happen at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue gets us off the hook from carrying out our God-given directives--even if it becomes difficult for us to do so.
Essentially, the choice comes down to this, we can have someone in office who emphasizes equity for all people and freedom for all individuals--with an over-emphasis on freedom by declaring that people are free to do that which God says they are not. In this scenario, regardless of what any man declares we are free to do, those of us who answer to God as our final authority must decide if we will follow the "freedoms" of man's law or submit to the authority of God's law.
Or we can choose someone who unapologetically maligns the poor and makes light of the oppressed--one who will fight to save the unborn, but then patronize or disregard the lives of certain groups once they are born; one who declares his concern for all Americans, but whose declaration has demonstrated no depth and a stony interior:
And some fell on stony ground, where it had not much earth; and immediately it sprang up, because it had no depth of earth.... (Mark 4:5)
Perhaps the stony hearts of those who are desperately seeking the White House would be softened by spending time with the poor and lowly, like some persons did on reality shows like Secret Millionaire and Undercover Boss. Perhaps the stony hearts would actually melt if those individuals went deep undercover and altered their skin pigment to live as a person of color as white journalist John Howard Griffin did in 1961, a troubling journey he recounted in his book, Black Like Me.
In each of these instances, the individuals who availed themselves to truly and thoroughly walk in the shoes of people whose reality was miles apart from anything they could ever theorize came out of the experience with their eyes and hearts opened.
I recall one episode of Secret Millionaire in which a millionaire was given meager funds to subsist on and stayed in a rundown duplex alongside those in the poor neighborhood where the filming took place. For the first time he realized how difficult it was to afford anything healthy to eat and how stressful it was to live in dangerous and dilapidated surroundings--both of which affected his quality of sleep, energy level, and ability to focus on his daily tasks. Of course, he was only there a few days, but imagine growing up every day in a poor, crime-filled neighborhood with schools lacking in resources while the school of hard knocks is never lacking in drugs or assault weapons (which, by the way, are imported into the neighborhood by a hierarchy of individuals whose top rung extends far beyond the residents who use them--but that's another blog).
Certainly, there are many families and individuals who are succeeding in life, and there are far more success stories in the minority populations than we are led to believe. There are also numerous success stories of individuals who made it out of dire circumstances and are doing quite well. But, there are still too many Americans who are left behind in a country that is supposed to be leading the world.
I have worked in one of the most challenged inner-city schools in the nation's capital, and I can tell you first-hand that "separate but unequal" still exists for too many children today. The policies and perspectives of those we put in leadership have a direct impact on whether things will change or remain the same.
It is disappointing to see politicians tread on shaky ground by characterizing a high percentage of Americans as deadbeats with a victim mentality. Apparently they have conveniently forgotten about the racial brutality and corporate greed that have been unsightly but all too real threads in the fabric of our being as a nation. Such individuals are standing on shaky ground when they insist on standing their ground by maligning hard-working people who pay their fair share of taxes and, when possible, enjoy their fair share of income tax breaks as allowed by law.
It's fine to stand your ground when you're standing on solid ground, or even better, holy ground. But when the ground you are standing on is shaped by a myopic reality that is signified by those in your own "amen corner"--a $50,000/a plate "amen corner"--you've gone beyond shaky ground and into sinking sand.
The scripture is replete with references to the poor and oppressed, two words which are often found together because of the relationship between oppression and poverty. Sure, there are people who are poor because of their own poor decisions, but there are far more who are poor due to being marginalized by those in power.
"Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy. Deliver the poor and needy: rid [them] out of the hand of the wicked." (Psalm 82:3-4)
Because the ground is level at the cross, it stands to reason that God would want us, as His ambassadors, to level the playing field in all aspects of life. Plus, it's probably better for us to proactively level the playing field rather than leaving it to God. For, if we refuse to help our brother up, God just may decide to bring us down.
Rev. Karen
Contact Rev. Karen at to speak at your next service or retreat.
Ask about personalized poems or raps as a unique gift for someone special!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
If It Feels THIS Good Being Used....
OOPS! Did I miss Wednesday's deadline?
R&B crooner Bill Withers was a prolific, award-winning singer and songwriter in the 1970s and 80's who wrote and recorded songs like "Lean on Me," "Lovely Day," "Ain't No Sunshine," and "Grandma's Hands" that continue to be played and re-recorded today.
One of his hit songs was called "Use Me," a heartfelt declaration of his willingness to be used by the woman he loved. In the refrain of the song, he boldly declared, "I want to spread the news that if it feels this good getting used, Oh you just keep on using me until you use me up."
As I sit here typing this blog from the beach in sunny Outer Banks, North Carolina, I began to think about how good it feels being used by God to be a vessel of blessing to others.
My mom turned 70 on September 10, and in addition to the surprise party that my family and friends held for her, the Lord allowed me to bless her by bringing her with me to the beach. She was already on a natural high from the surprise party-- which turned out to be the first birthday party she has ever had--and now she is simply soaring with joy at the beauty of God's creation here at the beach and the wonderful accommodations we have.
What does all of this have to do with being used? Well, the Lord used one of His vessels to bless one of my dearest girlfriends to stay in a beach house for the week. He then used her as a vessel of blessing by directing her to host me and several other friends at the beach house with her. From that blessing, God used me to bless my mom in ways I would never have been able to do, by directing me to invite her to the beach house as part of her birthday gift.
On top of that, not only is Mom having the time of her life, God is using her as a vessel of blessing as she has inspired all of the ladies here with her energy, joy and unhindered love of God. It was especially touching to see her express herself so powerfully because less than a year ago she was critically ill and unable to care for herself or even stand up without assistance. God has restored her to the point that she has gone far beyond simply standing up, she is kicking up--her heels and dancing with delight. She even showed off a few moves that I had never seen her do!
My friends were so excited to have Mom join us this year and they have been spoiling her in honor of their own moms, some of whom have gone on to glory. When we arrived, they treated us to a home cooked meal, including homemade dessert, placed lovely welcome gifts on our beds, and after dinner our beach host read a scripture in honor of Mom that truly made her feel welcomed and honored,
The righteous flourish like the palm tree and grow like a cedar in Lebanon. They are planted in the house of the LORD; they flourish in the courts of our God. They still bear fruit in old age; they are ever full of sap and green, to declare that the LORD is upright; He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him. (Psalm 92:12-15 English Standard Version ESV )
There are just so many vessels and so many blessings swirling all around here that my cup is overflowing, and I haven't even been here 24 hours yet!
None of this would have been possible had I or my friends not been willing to avail ourselves to be used by God to do what is honorable and right. We could have decided to make this a "girls gone wild" week of activities that would have been totally unfitting for a 70-year-old woman and totally unfitting for us as women of God. Thankfully, in our various walks with the Lord, we have each allowed God's Holy Spirit to lead us and guide us into all truth, so we understand that the real joys in life don't involve shame, blame or hangovers:
Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work. (2 Timothy 2:21 ESV)
I don't agree with Bill Withers' allowing a woman to use him or walk all over him. However, when it comes to God, the one who loves me so much that He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to shed His blood for me that I might have life and have it more abundantly, I say it feels incredibly good being used! So Lord, please keep on using me until You say my time is up!
BNcouraged--and B A vessel!
Rev. Karen
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
When a car is hit unexpectedly in its blind spot, we call it being blind-sided. The same is true if someone were to be punched or hit without ever seeing the punch coming. We would say that they had been blind-sided.
Some of us go through life with injuries or challenges that have not only blind sided us, but have left us "blind-sighted." In other words, we see, but we don't see. Our eyes may be fully functioning, yet, we are unable to truly "see" what we need to see.
I read an article today about an 82-year-old woman who was arrested for burglary. Her rap sheet was 21 pages long and dated back to 1955. Her latest arrest came from stealing from doctors' offices. Allegedly, she would hide out in the offices after closing hours to steal from them. Talk about being blind-sighted.
At the age of 82, this woman is blessed to be able to see well enough to make it to the doctors office on her own, but only to sneak around, hide out and steal. After all these years she still can't "see" that her life of crime has gotten her nowhere. Satan seems to have found a really good blind side to hang out in with this woman. And, from the length of her rap sheet, it appears he has been crippling her spiritual and emotional eyesight for decades with no signs of stopping.
Perhaps it's not even her blind side where the enemy is hanging out. Perhaps like some of us, she is the one who hung out the blinds which cover the windows of her soul.
Blinds are placed in front of windows to prevent the sunlight from streaming into a room. Some of us have mounted up mini blinds, venetian blinds, vertical blinds and whatever else we can find to block out the Son's light because we prefer the darkness. We don't want to be fully exposed to the light of God's Word because we still enjoy some of the sinful things we should have outgrown long ago.
Like that 82-year-old woman, some of us still get a cheap thrill from doing what we know is wrong. Some of us have lived with the blinds on our eyes for so long, we don't even know how to see life any differently.
Certainly, all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. But to deliberately continue blocking out the Son is a different story. We may not think it's a big deal to go around blocking out the Son's light with our spiritual blinds, but God says otherwise:
I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness. (John 12:46)
For ye were sometimes darkness, but now [are ye] light in the Lord: walk as children of light. (Ephesians 5:8)
If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not [tell] the truth: But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. (1 John 1:6-7)
Some things will begin to change for the better in our lives the moment we dismantle the blinds we so carefully and stubbornly put in place. Some of our relationships will improve dramatically the moment we take the blinders off about our negative attitudes and other behaviors that drive people away from us.
God invites us to walk in the light, not to expose us to embarassment, but because when we know the truth, the truth shall make us free.
Then I saw that wisdom excels folly as light excels darkness. (Ecclesiastes 2:13)
Let's leave the blinds for the windows in our physical homes. When it comes to our spiritual and emotional homes, I say, let the Son shine in!
Rev. Karen
Some of us go through life with injuries or challenges that have not only blind sided us, but have left us "blind-sighted." In other words, we see, but we don't see. Our eyes may be fully functioning, yet, we are unable to truly "see" what we need to see.
I read an article today about an 82-year-old woman who was arrested for burglary. Her rap sheet was 21 pages long and dated back to 1955. Her latest arrest came from stealing from doctors' offices. Allegedly, she would hide out in the offices after closing hours to steal from them. Talk about being blind-sighted.
At the age of 82, this woman is blessed to be able to see well enough to make it to the doctors office on her own, but only to sneak around, hide out and steal. After all these years she still can't "see" that her life of crime has gotten her nowhere. Satan seems to have found a really good blind side to hang out in with this woman. And, from the length of her rap sheet, it appears he has been crippling her spiritual and emotional eyesight for decades with no signs of stopping.
Perhaps it's not even her blind side where the enemy is hanging out. Perhaps like some of us, she is the one who hung out the blinds which cover the windows of her soul.
Blinds are placed in front of windows to prevent the sunlight from streaming into a room. Some of us have mounted up mini blinds, venetian blinds, vertical blinds and whatever else we can find to block out the Son's light because we prefer the darkness. We don't want to be fully exposed to the light of God's Word because we still enjoy some of the sinful things we should have outgrown long ago.
Like that 82-year-old woman, some of us still get a cheap thrill from doing what we know is wrong. Some of us have lived with the blinds on our eyes for so long, we don't even know how to see life any differently.
Certainly, all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. But to deliberately continue blocking out the Son is a different story. We may not think it's a big deal to go around blocking out the Son's light with our spiritual blinds, but God says otherwise:
I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness. (John 12:46)
For ye were sometimes darkness, but now [are ye] light in the Lord: walk as children of light. (Ephesians 5:8)
If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not [tell] the truth: But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. (1 John 1:6-7)
Some things will begin to change for the better in our lives the moment we dismantle the blinds we so carefully and stubbornly put in place. Some of our relationships will improve dramatically the moment we take the blinders off about our negative attitudes and other behaviors that drive people away from us.
God invites us to walk in the light, not to expose us to embarassment, but because when we know the truth, the truth shall make us free.
Then I saw that wisdom excels folly as light excels darkness. (Ecclesiastes 2:13)
Let's leave the blinds for the windows in our physical homes. When it comes to our spiritual and emotional homes, I say, let the Son shine in!
Rev. Karen
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